Page 9 of Only the Beginning
“That’s cool. Can I sit here until you are?”
“It probably won’t be today,” I chuckle.
“That’s okay with me.” I can’t help but notice the glimmer in his eye. He wasn’t some guy feeding me a line, he was genuine.
If I didn’t know better, I’d swear I was falling in love with this girl. There was just something about her I couldn't quite explain. Our friends teased us for hitting it off when we both swore for years we didn’t want to be set up. Maybe we’d be married like they are if we had met sooner. It’s crazy to think about something like that, especially about someone I just met.
“Care to drive me home?” Holly asks as we clean up the campsite.
“Me?” I ask, happily surprised.
“Well, I came with Daphne, and I’m not sure I can be in a car with her and her ‘I was right’ face.” She says with a chuckle.
“My car it is,” I smile. It wasn’t a long drive home, but suddenly I was hoping for traffic.
We pack up our cars and say goodbye to everyone. Daphne whispers something in Holly’s ear, who only rolls her eyes. As we drive, it’s silent for a bit, the radio quietly playing some songs while we enjoy the view of the mountains. I glance at Holly, who seems to be lost in her own world.
“So, how’d you and the gang meet?” I ask, referencing our friends. I’m surprised our paths haven’t crossed over the years.
“I was college roommates with Daphne and Liz and I met at school. I actually introduced her to Marshall. How about you?” She smiles.
“I went to high school with Daphne, but we weren’t really friends. Louis works with me, and I knew Marshall from one of my previous jobs.” I explain.
“It’s weird we haven’t met before then, huh?” She tilts her head, studying me.
“Yeah, I mean I was at both their weddings, but I uh, brought a date to them.” I shift uncomfortably.
“I was at Liz’s, but I was sick for Daphne’s. The damn flu took me out.”
I just nod, unsure of what else to say. But Holly takes the silence as an invitation to start a new conversation. She asks me about my family, so I tell her about Kennedy and New York and how happy she is there. I tell her about my mother who is overprotective but means well, and I tell her about my dad, who is a man of limited words but strong actions.
Then Holly tells me about her nieces and nephew, her two sisters, and how close-knit her family is. She goes on and on telling stories that leave us both laughing. We sit in the car talking for another hour before we run out of things to talk about.
“Can I see you again?” I ask hopefully.
“Yes,” she says with an enormous smile.
“Tomorrow?” She asks, surprised.
“If you’re free,” I shrug. Hoping I’m not coming across as desperate as I feel.
“I have a class in the morning, but I’m free at night.”
“Maybe we should exchange numbers, so I know what time to pick you up?” I use it as an excuse because honestly I just want to keep talking to her.
“Okay,” she hands me her phone and I do the same. Then I grab her bag from the trunk and walk her to the front door. My mother raised a gentleman, okay?
Her blonde hair falls on her face again, so I brush it softly out of her light blue eyes. She smiles, looking up slightly at me. Our heights are similar enough that her lips are close to mine. I close the distance with a kiss and let our lips connect.
She drops the bag to her side and wraps both arms around my neck, like something out of a movie. I hold her waist and pull her closer to me as the kiss deepens. I swear I would be happy kissing her all night long. Eventually, we pull apart, and her cheeks are a bright red.
“I’ll see you tomorrow.” I lean in for one chaste kiss and walk to the car, smiling. I wait until she gets into her house before pulling away. The entire way home, I’m smiling like an idiot.
Our first dategoes so well. We have three more before the week is over. In-between work and her classes, we somehow both find time. We grab dinner, lunch or just a coffee when we have any spare time. Holly’s school is right near my job, so I stop by with lunch one day, and we eat in her car while she finishes some homework. We talk about her classes and which professors she likes and the ones she hates.