Page 10 of Unexpected Days
“I was told I need to be here, but I’m missing an audition for this.” She rolls her eyes as I walk into the conference room. Her feet are kicked up like she owns the place.
“Haven, there’s no way you have an audition right now,” I say truthfully.
“Excuse me?” She glares at me and stands up, attempting to be intimidating.
“You are a social pariah right now, I know because there’s not a single friend I can call to the stand. So you most certainly aren’t missing an audition. Now, I’d appreciate if you paid attention so we can do our jobs and keep you out of jail.” I didn’t get to where I was by hand holding and playing it safe. Haven needs to have someone tell her like it is, whether she likes it or not.
“Everyone out! Except you!” She screams and everyone scatters.So much for teamwork.
“I like you,” Haven says, eyeballing me.
“Excuse me?” I try to hide my shock.
“No one dares to speak to me like that, so I want you to stay on this case. You’ll tell me like it is and just do what needs to be done, I need that.”
“Okay, then good.” I nod.
The rest of the day goes by easier. With Haven on board, it makes my job simpler and the jobs of everyone else safe. They were all terrified of upsetting her and losing their jobs, but it is actually the opposite. Haven is just a kid who hit stardom too early and got caught in a bad situation. It seems like there is more to her there than meets the eye.
“How are you feeling?” Parker sneaks in my office when Molly’s on break.
“Fine.” I’m not giving him the satisfaction of knowing he helped me.
“Still as stubborn I see.” He chuckles. “Have dinner with me.”
“No.” I don’t bother looking up from my work.
“We’re going to be working together, Luna, we might as well try to get along.”
“Excuse me?” My head snaps up.
“I got the job here, I’ll be running files for your boss from my boss. So why don’t we have dinner, try to talk things out?”
“Parker, I have one thing to say to you…” I stand and my big, powerful moment is ruined by a wave of nausea. I run to the bathroom down the hall, making it just in time. I hear the door open again shortly, and I pray it’s just Molly checking on me.
“Are you okay?” she whispers through the bathroom stall.
“I’m fine. Please tell Parker to go before I sic security on him.”
“Okay.” Molly hesitates but leaves to fulfill her task. Leaving me to get sick twice more before sitting on the tile floor. It’s the last place I want to be, but I have no idea where that came from or why I got so sick.
“He’s gone, do you want me to call anyone?” Molly asks.
“Riley,” I say through the stall. I should probably call Cody but I don’t really want him to see me like this. At least if Riley comes, she can take me home.
“Okay, I think she’s on her way, do you want help back to your office?” Molly sounds unsure.
“No, why don’t you finish writing up your notes for the day and head home. I’ll be okay once Riley gets here.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, positive.” I nod but realize it’s stupid because she can’t see me. She reluctantly leaves and I try to stand up, but I’m a bit dizzy from all the throwing up. I decide to stay on the ground and wait for Riley, surely she can help me up.
“Luna?” It’s the familiar voice that confuses me.
“Cody? What are you doing here?” I don’t want him seeing me like this.
“Are you sitting on the floor? What’s going on?”