Page 18 of Unexpected Days
“Hi.” I laugh at a normal tone. “What’s going on?” I can hear the sound of power tools going off behind him. He must still be at the new bar.
“Sorry, hold on.” I hear him yelling at the guys to go take a break. “Sorry, they didn’t realize it was lunch time.”
“It’s okay, how’s it going there?”
“Better than expected. I’m still coming home tonight, but Sawyer wants me to stop by Puzzles so I’ll be home pretty late.”
“Can you come over anyway?” It is starting to eat at me.
“Of course, I just don’t want you waiting up. You need your beauty sleep.” He isn’t wrong, lately I have been dropping to the floor the second I walk in the apartment.
“I miss you,” I whisper.
“I miss you too, I’ll definitely be there as soon as I can.”
There’s a knock at my door so we quickly say goodbye and I stand to open it. Of course, on the other side is only Parker.
“Can I help you?” My whole demeanor changing. Molly is still on lunch or she would’ve taken care of him.
“I have the updated NDA for Haven, her team is insisting our assistants sign them as well,” he explains, handing me a small stack of papers.
“Okay, I’ll have Molly sign it when she gets back.” I hold the door, ready to close it.
“Okay, she’ll be here by 2:30 by the way.” He smiles and I nod. I wish his smile didn’t make my heart fall to my stomach like it used to.
I know there was nothing between us, but him being here everyday is confusing. When we dated we were never together this much, both of us always working and going to school. So seeing him more now is confusing. It’s as if my body hasn’t caught up to my mind about what he did to me. Parker being here makes me wonder about how different things would be if he hadn’t gone at all, but that doesn’t mean I wish things were different.
Chapter Twelve
“I’m really tired of living like this,” Haven groans as she pulls down her sunglasses and hood. We’d instructed her to come through the back door without any paparazzi. The last thing we needed was the press seeing her walking into a lawyer’s office.
Parker continues pulling down all the shades as I remind her it’s necessary if she wants us to win her case. She grumpily sits down and I sigh. She is not my usual client by a long shot, and for good reason. I don’t have the patience necessary to go to trial all the time for the ones who don’t deserve it. Haven is a spoiled, rich celebrity who finally got caught being terrible. I don’t bother asking her if she did it because whether she meant it or not, she was caught on film being homophobic and is being accused of a hate crime.
“Why don’t we get started?” Parker prompts, and I glare at the back of his head. I am supposed to be running this meeting.
“Am I really not allowed to act right now? My fans miss me.” She does an exaggerated sigh as Parker explains our plan to keep her out of the public light right now.
“And how would you know that?” I ask, raising an eyebrow; we had restricted her internet access as well.
“I might have made a second account, just to see what’s going on in the world,” she admits.
“Molly!” I call into the hallway. “Please take down Haven’s phone passwords and usernames for each app on her phone and check the history of anything said, tweeted, messaged, or posted.”
“That’s a huge invasion of my privacy!” Haven protests.
“We asked you to stay off the internet for a reason, if you aren’t going to take this seriously then you should find yourself another set of lawyers.” I close my book and wait for a response. When she rolls her eyes, I stand and leave to my office. On my way out the door, Haven calls after me.
“Okay, I’m sorry. I’ll listen from now on.”
“Then give Molly what she needs.” I stare her down and she nods. Molly rushes over to get everything while I sit back down. I wasn’t really going to leave, but she needs to know that she’s not in charge here. If she doesn’t want to end up in jail, she needs to take this more seriously than she is.
“Please look these over.” Parker hands Haven more paperwork and she looks each one over intently.
After Haven and Molly leave, Parker is standing just close enough that I can tell he still uses the cologne I bought him forever ago. He’s leaning over the table, his sleeves pulled up to his elbows, and I’m almost certain he’s teasing me on purpose. He knows how I feel about arm muscles and how arm veins in particular are like crack to my vagina. Damn him for knowing things only my boyfriend should know.
“Something wrong?” He smirks. Yep. He is doing this shit on purpose.
“Oh, nothing.” I make it a point to lean forward and across him while I get my coffee, accidentally pushing my chest against him.