Page 27 of Unexpected Days
“I think if someone did that to me, I’d cry. That’s so harsh!” She gasps.
“Well, thankfully I’ve never had to use it. I’d be more worried about Sawyer slipping up drinking than I would be about her proposing.”
“Why?” Rileys eyes pop.
“Just the secretiveness, Cody’s talked about her past and that could be a sign of her slipping.” I wince at the mention of his name.
“Hmm, I can see your concern, but I’m sure that’s not it.”
“Well, I’m glad then, “ I nod.
“He hasn’t been by the bar you know,” she says quietly.
“I-I’d rather not know.” I sigh.
“Okay, no more mention of him. Promise.” Riley smiles.
“Do you want to watch some crappy television and stuff our faces?”
“Yes, please.” She grabs the food and carries it over to the couch. I take the rest and grab the remote off the table.
As I put on the new season ofLove Island, we consume all the food I bought. I don’t even feel full when we’re finished, so I dig in to the cannolis as I receive a look from Riley. She doesn’t say anything, but part of me wonders if she knows the truth. If I keep up eating like this, it won’t be long before she discovers the truth.
Chapter Seventeen
Iwalk into the doctor’s office, alone. I didn’t bother telling anyone I was going because it’s not like anyone besides Molly and Parker know I am pregnant. I want to make sure things are okay before I make the news public. And maybe figure out what the hell I am supposed to do about Cody and how I’ll tell him. There is no point in telling him if the tests I took are wrong. Even though my gut is telling me they were right.
Looking around the room, it’s hard not to see how much I stick out. Every other woman had a man, or even another woman holding their hand. Their round pregnant bellies showing me my future, without the parent beside them. It is hard taking that in, even if Cody did come back it won’t be the same. He’ll be there for the baby and not us. I bite my cheek, willing these hormones not to make me cry in front of the room of strangers.
“Charles!” The nurse calls, looking at the paperwork confused.
“That’s me! That’s my last name,” I explain as she ushers me to a room in the back. She instructs me to change from the bottom down and lets me know the doctor will be in a few minutes. I do as she says and a few minutes later, there’s a light knock on the door.
“Luna, it’s a pleasure to meet you. I’m Dr. Hart.” She smiles and shakes my hand. Her curly red hair takes up most of her face, with a few light freckles dancing across her cheeks.
“Hi.” I smile politely. I have a normal gynecologist but when I called to make an appointment they suggested I make it with an obstetrician instead.
“Let’s see if you’re pregnant,” she says, looking over her paperwork. Dr. Hart washes her hands and takes a seat at my feet. I close my eyes as she does her job. It isn’t exactly comfortable.
“Is there anyone here with you today?”
“Nope, just me.” I ignore the way my voice cracks at the admission.
“I just wanted to make sure. And are you looking to get a sonogram today if there’s a fetus, or were you looking to talk about your options?”
“I think I’d like a sonogram, and… to see the baby if there is one,” I decide.
“Okay.” She pauses and looks at the screen. “There’s your baby.” She points to a squishy looking blob. “That’s it’s head and those are its feet forming.”
I don’t know how or why but suddenly, overcome with emotion, the tears start falling out of my eyes uncontrollably. That is my baby. I have Cody’s and my baby in my belly. It is somehow a little blob that I already love. I never understood it when my Facebook friends would say they loved a little blob on a screen they never met before. Now it makes sense. I love this baby.
“Here.” She hands me a few tissues. “It happens a lot.”
“Thank you.” I sniffle. I am not the crying type at all, maybe when I am drunk but certainly not now.
“You look to be about eleven to twelve weeks already, so we’ll have you come back after sixteen weeks for another checkup.”
“Okay.” I nod.