Page 3 of Unexpected Days
“Hey, you okay?” Cody asks suddenly and I realize I’ve tensed up. Leave it to me to stress myself out when I’m supposed to be relaxing.
“Yes, just thinking about things.” I lean back into him with a soft sigh.
“Things you want to talk about?” His tone is worried.
“I just really care about you.” I smile, looking up at him. I close my eyes and take a deep breath, willing myself to relax.
“I love you too.” He chuckles.
He is always the more affectionate one when it comes to saying it. I have said it, and I do mean it, but it also scares me to say it so often aloud. Like saying it too much will make its meaning change. Sometimes I wonder if that bothers him. He is a pensive person, always thinking but not too vocal. Meanwhile I can never stop talking about what is on my mind,most of the time.
If you had been through what I had, you might be hesitant to say I love you so often too.
Chapter Three
When I wake in the morning, Cody isn’t next to me. I pat the silk sheets that smell like him and frown at the emptiness. I am usually the one who goes for a run, have breakfast and takes a shower before he even wakes up. I sit up in bed, stretch and look at the clock next to his bed, it is after 9am.OH MY GOSH. How the hell had I slept in? Didn’t I set an alarm last night? I am going to be late for work. Where the heck is Cody?
I jump out of bed, thankful I took a shower after our bath last night. I throw on a pair of pants and a blouse I keep here and quickly brush my teeth. I’m running out the door when I see a blue post-it note on the counter.
‘Work emergency! C u later:)- C’
What kind of emergency could he have had at the bar? He co-owns the bar, Puzzles, with his best friend Sawyer, who happens to be dating my best friend, Riley. I would have to text him about it later. I grab my shoes and all but run down the stairs. I have twenty minutes to get all the way downtown.
I treat myself to an Uber and promise a hefty tip if he can make it there on time. A black sedan pulls up two minutes later and I all but hop in. My leg is shaking as I watch the time go by on my phone.
“Can you goanyfaster? I’m super late,” I plead. I am usually the first one in the office every morning.
I am surprised my assistant hasn’t called looking for me, but as I look at my phone I realize the issue, my phone died. I must have used the last bit of battery ordering this Uber, had I forgotten to put my phone on charge last night?
“I’ll see what I can do.” He chuckles and impresses me by hitting almost every green light. At this rate I may still be late but definitely not as late as I expected.
He stops in front of my building a few minutes later getting me here just seven minutes late. I double his fare and thank him tremendously before jumping out of the car. I shut the door and spin around quickly heading for the large glass doors only to-
All of a sudden I’m falling backward and the front of my white blouse is completely soaked. I’m about to scream, let every frustration of the last year out on this stranger who chose the complete worst moment to bump into me. Only, it isn’t a stranger.
“Luna?” The man looks down, holding his now empty cup of coffee.
“Parker?” I look up at him, shocked.
He is the last person I expected to see in the city, let alone in front of my office. I take in his clean cut dark blue suit, shiny new briefcase, and his lucky whale tie. An old gift from his mother. He looks the same, yet older. He has slight wrinkles near his eyes, he's cut his light hair short, but his eyes are the same. Light blue pools of desire. Wait, no. What the hell is he doing here?
“Here, let me.” He puts out a tanned hand but I ignore it.
“I got it, thanks,” I snap. The last thing I want is his help.Hadn’t he done enough?
“Oh, same old Luna huh?” He smiles like we’re old friends, and I scowl at him as I stand up.
“If you’ll excuse me, I need to go.” I walk past him into the building, showing my ID at the door and heading for the elevator.
I press the button twice, even though I know it won’t make them come any faster. If it wouldn’t make me any later, I’d take the stairs, but I am already going to be in enough trouble. I don’t have a second to think about what just happened, but I look down at my shirt. It is now covered in a light brown stain, making the white material see through. I sigh, thankful I have another shirt in my office but knowing I’ll have to make it past at least five assistants before I can change.
“You’re going up too?” The voice startles me and I realize Parker is standing extremely close to me. Is that an accent I hear?
“What the hell are you doing here?” I growl as the elevator opens. I walk in and he follows, standing next to me. I press the button for floor twelve as he pushes the button for eight.
“I could ask the same thing,” he says smugly. I would give anything to punch that look off his face but I try to remain calm. I can’t afford to lose my job over him.