Page 40 of Unexpected Days
“Yeah, babies have a lot of stuff.” I nod.
“Were you ever going to tell me?” he asks quietly. I know what he’s asking.
“I-I don’t know,” I admit.
“I had a right to know.”
“I know.”
“I need you to be honest moving forward. This won’t work if you’re keeping things from me.”
“Moving forward as what?”
“Co-parents I think, I mean that’s what you want, right?”
This is it, the moment where I can tell him how I feel and we could be together. The three of us could be a family, Cody and I might be happy. But I can’t, I can’t put myself through him leaving ever again. It hurts too much to bear.
“Yeah,” I agree. Co-parents is what made the most sense with us.
Chapter Twenty-Five
“Riley, I really don’t feel up to this,” I say as Riley lays out the dress we picked out for my baby shower.
“I know, but maybe you will in a few hours.” She half smiles but we both know it’s fake. She still hadn’t heard from Sawyer anymore than a quick text to ask if she was okay and had somewhere to stay. Riley replied and then Sawyer went silent again.
“Who’s even going to this thing?” I sigh. Plopping onto the bed.
“Lots of people who want to show their love to you and the baby.” She gives me a look and I grab the dress, heading to the bathroom.
I put it on, despite it being February. I am always a thousand degrees so the dress is sleeveless, hanging over my shoulders. I wear a small heart necklace my father got me for my college graduation that hangs just above my chest. Riley is going to curl my hair and style it, but I throw on a little bit of makeup. It’s nice dressing up for a change. I have been living in leggings and oversized shirts these days, but I miss the feel of heels and a pretty dress.
“Come sit,” Riley instructs and I sit on the chair in the kitchen while she plugs in the curling iron. She brushes out my blonde hair, it was longer than it used to be.
“I’m not playing any of those stupid baby shower games.”
“You know you have to.” Riley laughs.
“Ugh, no one is touching my belly.”
“That’s between you and everyone else.” She throws her hands up in defense.
“Is Sawyer coming?” I ask her quietly.
“She didn’t say.” She pauses. “Is Cody?”
“Don’t just women go to these things?”
“Yes, but he’s the father. Sometimes he shows up at the end to help with the presents or something.”
“Oh, I don’t know.” Cody and I had talked but it wasn’t like I invited him to the shower. I wasn’t even supposed to know about it but I told Riley I couldn’t handle anymore surprises.
Riley and I take a cab to the baby shower. It’s this beautiful restaurant in lower Manhattan, that she and my dad apparently rented out for the day. There’s a big ‘surprise!’ when I get there and everyone greets me with hugs. Old co-workers, college friends, family members and friends are there to celebrate the baby. I’d have to ask Riley how she managed to track everyone down.
The place is decorated completely in hearts and red and pink decorations. Normally, I would’ve hated it but it is decorated elegantly. There are pink table cloths, a table full of pink desserts, and a white, red and pink balloon arch with the balloons spelling out ‘baby girl’. Riley warned me the pink isn’t because it is a girl but instead because it is Valentine’s Day themed. She said it is because she loves her Goddaughter and this is the best way to show it. It is incredibly well thought out.
“So I hear it’s a girl, do you have any names?” my old co-worker, Carol asks.
“Nope, I haven’t had time to think about it honestly.”