Page 44 of Unexpected Days
I snap my head up, confused, “What?”
“If you want to talk about being something more, when you’re not hormonal I’d love to, Luna. But I don’t want it to be a pregnant mistake. It was hard as hell to tear your lips from mine, but I think it was the right thing to do.”
“There’s nothing to talk about, it was a dumb mistake,” I lie.
“Luna, it’s me. You don’t have to pretend and hold your head so high with me.” His warm eyes meet mine and I almost give in to all that I’m feeling but the baby kicks and I’m reminded of all I have to lose this time.
“You’re right. It’s not a good idea,” I agree.
“Okay, I’ll be back tomorrow to finish setting everything up.” He sighs and I walk him out. As he leaves, he pauses but doesn’t say anything. Instead taking off down the hallway.
I call Riley as soon as he leaves but it goes straight to voicemail. Which probably means her and Sawyer are making up for lost time. I don’t bother texting her, at least someone should be getting laid, and if it couldn’t be me I’m glad it was my best friend.
I lay in bed, the baby kicking up a storm as I try to relax. I’m sure this stress wasn’t good for her, it was confusing having Cody here. It was like having a taste of him but not being able to fully enjoy it. I didn’t expect all my feels for him to come rushing back to the surface. Especially not over decorating the nursery but that was it, he was showing up not only for me but for the baby too. As much as I want to jump back into things, how long will this last. Right now everything is shiny and new, but wouldn’t he eventually get tired of me? Of us? Then again, this is Cody. He had never left without a good reason, I had basically shoved him out the door the day we ended things. Just because he had wanted a little bit of space. Because to me, space meant leaving. Is it true that maybe things are different now? I mean, doesn’t having a baby change everything?
Chapter Twenty-Seven
The next day Cody comes back over and I avoid him like the plague. He stays in the baby’s nursery for most of the day. Around lunch time I figure I should ask him if he wants anything to eat or drink. He’s attaching the furniture to the wall when I walk in, his t-shirt is off and his belt is hanging surprisingly low on his jeans.
“Sorry, it was a bit hot in here. I should’ve put the window things on last.” He chuckles. He’d safety locked himself out of the window.
“It-it’s okay.” I swallow. I forgot how good he looked without clothes on. It has been way too fucking long since I’ve gotten laid. I miss it.
“Did you need something?” he prompts and I realize he’s caught me staring.
“Oh, yeah uh did you want any lunch?”
“Sure, thanks.” He smiles.
“No problem, I’ll make a sandwich. Is that okay?”
“Sounds great.”
I head to the kitchen and start making him a sandwich. I call his name when it’s ready and when he comes out he’s wearing his white t-shirt now. I’m equally glad and disappointed.
“How’s the baby doing?” he asks digging in.
“Good, she kicks a bunch.” I smile.
“That’s good.” He looks longingly at my stomach.
“Did you want to feel?”
“Is that weird?”
“Not for you, come here,” I wave him over and poke my stomach. She isn’t moving right now but sometimes a little poke or a sip of cold water would do the trick.
“Okay, now just wait a second.” I instruct and take his hand. He places it on the top of my stomach and we both stand there awkwardly waiting for her to kick.
“So, anything new?” he jokes.
“Not really.” I laugh. The baby kicks.
“I felt that!” he says happily.
“She’ll do it harder.” So we wait again.
“No pressure,” Cody whispers to my stomach and I laugh again. Kick, kick, kick.