Page 48 of Reaper
“Grimm texted. Remi is safe.”
“Where is she? No. Don’t tell me. Not yet.” I asked, then sighed, looking at Ghost, who nodded as he read another incoming text.
“He swung by and grabbed your mom. Also, Patty and her boys are there, along with Kitty and the new baby. Kitty had a kid?” Ghost asked, looking up.
“Yeah, long fucking story. You sure Grimm will be okay with all those women and kids?”
“Yep. Baby brother has a degree in Child Education. He’s loving it.”
“He has what?”
“A degree in childhood education. Didn’t you know?”
“Hell no!” I shouted, shocked. “When the hell did he get that? The man doesn’t speak.”
Ghost laughed, shaking his head. “He finished his degree last year, I believe. Haven’t you ever wondered why he was always on his phone or in his room?”
“I thought he was playing fucking games, like every other asshole here. Call of Duty is popular in this club.”
“Well, Grimm was studying. He’s thinking about furthering his degree in Special Needs Education. My brother prefers kids to adults. He says kids are truthful and don’t hold back. He’s always wanted to be a teacher, but with the way he looks, he knew no one would ever give him a chance.”
“Well fuck,” I muttered mainly to myself. “It’s always the quiet ones, huh? Is there anything else I should know about your brother that I don’t know?”
“Nope, nothing I can think of.” Ghost grinned, putting his phone in his cut. “So, when do you want to bring the boys in? They’ve been out there for a while now?”
“I know. I’m still trying to figure out how to handle this issue,” I said, holding up a file and waving it in the air. “This is going to gut the brothers, and I’m still having a hard time believing it myself.”
“I know. I did too when I saw it. But it’s the truth. I investigated it myself when I saw that file. Your Pops had a hunch and followed up on it.”
“Pops never did trust easily.”
“That’s for damn sure.”
Placing the folder down, I looked at the other files scattered around the table and sighed. “This isn’t going to get any easier. Best bring in the first bunch. Time to cull the herd.”
Ghost nodded and then walked out the door. I listened as he walked down the long hall into the common room. Brothers were talking, drinking, and laughing as if nothing were wrong, which pissed me off. If they only knew what was about to happen, they wouldn’t be partying like they were. So much deception, lies, murder. Blood was all around us, and some of us bathed in it. Knowing what my father knew was a massive mind-fuck, and though the evidence was there in black and white before me, I still didn’t know how this whole fucked up scenario was going to play out.
“What the fuck!” I heard Chaos shout. “Ghost!”
“Son of a bitch!” Player added. “How the fuck have you been, man?”
“Reaper needs Chaos, Player, Smoke, and Savage in church now. The rest of you, we are on lockdown until further notice. Any brother leaving the compound will turn in their cut immediately and pray I never find you. This isn’t a fucking game, so try me.” With that, I heard the common room quiet instantly as the men I requested began to file into church. I had to give it to Ghost. The man sure did know how to command a room. When Ghost entered last, he shut the door and locked it.
“Sit down, boys.” Ghost ordered. Instantly the four brothers found their seat and sat, though Chaos, who lately had been sitting in the V.P. chair, thought better of it and went to sit next to Player.
“Before I begin,” I said, getting to my feet. “I want the four of you to know that we are not alone in this room. Come on out, boys.”
From the room’s shadows stepped out, Massacre, Viper, Hammer, Bayou, and Shadow. I watched as my four brothers sitting at the table looked shocked initially, then they all smiled.
“Well fuck me sideways and twice on Sunday!” Savage roared, getting to his feet to greet his long-lost brothers. I knew Savage would be happy to have the whole crew back under one roof. The man was nothing but a loyal Golden Skull to his core. I only wished I could say that about some of the others.
“Your back,” Player said, greeting his biological brother Massacre with a brotherly hug.
“Reaper, what the fuck is going on?” Chaos asked, looking at the brothers he hadn’t seen in years.
“We’ll get to that as soon as everyone stops acting like little girls and sits their asses down. I don’t want to be at this shit all night.”
“Got it, boss,” Viper said, slapping Smoke on his back as he sat down. “Been a long time, Smoke.”