Page 95 of Reaper
Grimm stood and went to the oven and took out a pan. He placed it on the stove and reached for a plate. After putting some food on it, he placed the dish on the table and grabbed some silverware. He said, “I made breakfast casserole Remi. Want some orange juice or apple juice?”
“I’d like some coffee, please,” Remi smiled, moving out of my embrace to sit where Grimm laid her food.
“Coffee isn’t good for ya, babe. Pick a juice.”
Remi sighed and nodded. “I forgot. I’ll have some apple juice.”
Moving to grab it for her, I filled a glass and handed it to her.
No one said a word as she started to eat. After a few bites, she looked up and stared at all of us. “What? Do I have something on my face?”
And just like that, the room erupted in conversation as if nothing were ever wrong. Over the next hour, I watched as Remi laughed and joked with my brothers, each making her feel loved and wanted. When Shamrock finally showed to see her in the kitchen, he ran, engulfing her in a hug. I understood Sham’s reason and need to hover and protect Remi. He felt as if he let her down, that what happened to her was his fault. Most of us tried telling him it wasn’t, but the big softy wouldn’t listen. Hell, most of us felt some sort of guilt for what happened, but we couldn’t dwell on it. We had bigger things to worry about, to deal with. Emotions would come later.
As the days followed, life started to return to normal for the Golden Skulls. Remi continued to heal and get stronger, but what I enjoyed was that we started talking more. I still hadn’t come clean about how the club was involved with Darrin Reynolds and the whole mess. I wasn’t sure I could. Admitting my guilt while looking at the very woman it affected would enrage my demon, so I kept quiet for the time being.
Healer finally took off the bandages around Remi’s head, and though her scars had healed enough that they were barely pink, Remi cried when she saw what she looked like. To me, she was the most beautiful woman in the world, but that was no consultation for a woman who had been tormented, raped, beaten, and had her hair cut off. Healer tried to soothe her by saying her hair would grow back, and when it did, none of the scars would be visible, but that only made it worse. In the end, Remi spent two days in our room, refusing to come out until my sister Mia showed up and saved the day.
Though I would never tell her, Remi looked different with my sister’s wigs to make life easier for her. I, on the other hand, couldn’t wait for her beautiful curly blonde hair to return. In the meantime, my sister bought all shades, different cuts, and styles of wigs for Remi to use. She said a girl needed a variety in her life to spice things up. I didn’t understand, but Remi loved them. However, when the boys started making bets on what shade Remi would wear, my sister lost it and took Remi to the salon. That was where she was at now, as I sat in church waiting for her return. I didn’t understand why Remi needed to go to a salon when she didn’t even have any hair and when I said just that, the look Remi and my sister gave me made me shut my mouth instantly.
I hated her being gone, even knowing that four of my brothers went with her. I was going to go, but Mia said no. She said I wasn’t allowed. She blamed me for the betting, saying I was the ringleader. Of course, when Remi left the compound, I turned on the culprit and punched him in the face, which felt good.
Looking at my hand now, it was itching to hit someone again. My need for violence didn’t dissipate with Remi’s return. It imploded. I needed to find Darrin Reynolds. I wanted that fucker wiped off the face of the earth. I was still having a hard time sleeping, nightmares of what she went through keeping me awake. I tried to play everything off, but Remi knew.
“It’s not broke,” Healer said, walking in and sitting in his chair. “Gonna be bruised for a few days, but he’ll live.”
“He deserved more,” I said, looking out the window towards the front gate, waiting for her return.
“She will be fine, Reaper. Sham, Viper, Grimm, and Chisel are with her. They are going to Stacie’s. She will be perfectly safe.”
“I know,” I muttered. “Already called Brian and asked him to have a patrol car parked out front.”
The door opened and in walked Ghost carrying his daughter Rebekah, my niece. I still hadn’t heard what happened between him and my sister. I wasn’t sure I wanted to know. The only thing saving Ghost was that he and Mia were married, and he adored his daughter. Ghost put Rebekah down, and she latched on to his leg.
I still hadn’t gotten to know the little girl, but she was a shy little thing. She was a good mix between Mia and Ghost, but in my opinion, she mostly looked like Ghost. “Phantom said she’d have an update later today. I’ve got the prospects, Billy and Jake, doing shitter duty, Ink has clients lined up today, and Savage needs two drivers to help with repos. I sent Axel and Bayou to help him. Chaos called and said the club needs a new bartender. He had to fire William for fucking one of the dancers. Smoke said whenever you are ready to break ground on the new housing project, we can. He finally got the permits from the city. Also, the mayor called and said that this year’s fall festival needs more volunteers. He wants to know if you could spare some of the brothers to help run the booths and such? As for the rest of them, everyone is at their respective jobs, minus the four that went with Remi to the salon.”
“Sounds good. Have everyone here for church at five. Anyone late can help the prospects for the rest of the week.”
Ghost nodded and sent out the mass text immediately. When he was done, he picked up his daughter and left, leaving me alone with Healer once more.
“You need to talk, Reaper,” Healer said after a few minutes of silence. “Keeping everything bottled up isn’t healthy. Eventually, you’re going to blow. When that happens, people generally get hurt.”
“I’m handling it.”
“Really? Because I don’t see you talking to the therapist I found. She’s legit Reaper. Checked her out myself. She specifically deals with physical trauma.”
“I know. Remi likes her.”
“You should talk to her. She comes by every Friday morning.”
“I will.”
“When I’m damn good and ready, okay?” I shouted. “What I need is that fuckers head on a spit. I need him dead, Healer. Until that happens, I won't talk about shit, okay?”
“Reaper,” Healer said cautiously. “Reynolds will get what’s coming to him. I know it. We all do. Everyone is searching for him. But until we find him, you and Remi need to talk, to heal. You can’t do that if you’re about to blow. What would happen if Remi were around and that happened?”
“I’d never hurt her.” I firmly stated. Healer nodded but added, “I know that, but when you get into your blind rage, you don’t see anything, Reaper. All you see is blood. The need for it. You crave it. The last time you went off, it took five brothers to stop you from killing Player, all because he hadn’t found Remi yet. You need to talk to someone man.”