Page 104 of Ghost
“Phantom is still digging into the original seven members of the club. So far, nothing. As for the Disciples of the Word, they have gone silent. I put Sypher on them. The kid is good. If there is anything, he will find it. As for the Collector, there is nothing. It’s like they're gearing up for something big, only we have no clue what.”
“Keep digging and find us something. I don’t see them just retiring to some fucking island in the South Pacific. They are up to something, and I want to know what.”
Matrix nodded as Savage walked in with his sister Kitty.
She was a pretty woman. Much like her brother, Kitty had flaming red hair and pale skin. While Savage was taller, broader, and muscular, Kitty was slim, athletic, and curvy.
Getting to my feet, I pulled out a chair for her and waited for her to sit. When she did so, I sat back in my chair and sighed. “Kitty, how well do you know your husband?”
“Enough that I married him, why?” she grinned slyly. God, I forgot what a ballbuster Kitty could be. She was hands down the most aggravating woman around. She took no shit from anyone and had no problem putting any brother in their place.
It had to be her red hair.
That’s probably why I stayed away from redheads. Yet, when she smirked at me, I scowled. “You know something, don’t you?”
“Know what, Ghost?” She asked innocently.
Rolling my eyes, I sighed. “Son of a bitch. How long have you known that Bullseye and Layla were related to Reaper?”
When she didn’t respond, I growled, “Kitty.”
“Fine. I’ve known since the beginning.”
“And you didn’t think the club needed to know? That Reaper needed to know?”
“Nope.” She replied, popping the ‘P.’
“Does Reaper know everything?”
“Not everything.” She replied cryptically, looking at her manicured nails. God Kitty was a piece of work. Getting anything out of her was like trying to squeeze water from a boulder. The woman wouldn’t give. Not an inch.
“What doesn’t he know?”
Kitty blew on her nails, saying absolutely nothing. Kitty was one of us. Had been for years. When she was younger, she would move about the club as if she owned the place. None of the brothers paid her any attention because she was a girl, but that girl was smart. She listened. I knew Kitty knew shit about this club that none of us knew. The only problem was getting her to talk. The woman was a vault. She absorbed information, but nothing ever came out.
“Kitty, please. Bullseye found out about Reaper. I need your help.”
“So that fucker finally broke the news, did he?”
“I’m not sure about the particulars, but your husband knows that Reaper is his brother and that Reaper hired him to kill his own father. Their father. But something isn’t right, some nugget of information is missing? What is the big secret? Because this shit isn’t adding up.”
Sighing, Kitty clearly said, “You know, all of you are idiots. If you would just take a step back and look at everything from a clear perspective, you would have figured it out. Hell, I did, and I was only nine years old. What you morons haven’t put together are all the players. You failed to look on your home turf. Reaper’s grandfather had an affair while he was in the military. When he got out, he came home to the states, picking up where he left off in the service. When Reaper’s grandad found out he had another son, he went and got him, killing the kids’ mother in the process. That kid was raised here, in this club for years, before he left. None of you ever knew because Reaper’s grandfather never claimed him.”
“Who was he?” I asked.
“He went by Diablo, but he goes by another name now.”
“I remember him. I was young myself, barely seven, I think, when I met him for the first time. He was a real bastard. He didn’t really fit in with the club. Always doing what he wanted, yet I remember him palling around with Pops often. Then one day, he disappeared. We all thought he died or something.”
“Well, he isn’t dead. When Pops took over after his dad was killed, he took this club to a whole new level of depravity, and he had his stepbrother’s help.
“Diablo,” I said.
“Yes, Diablo. The very man, you morons, call the Collector.”
“What the fuck!”
“Son of a bitch!”