Page 106 of Ghost
“Talk to me about what,” the man in question said, walking into the kitchen. Behind him stood a pretty woman with flaming red hair.
Grinning, I said, “About your nocturnal sleeping arrangements.”
“She means you’re a hound dog, Lucas. Now move out of my way,” a vivacious redhead with a baby on her hip said. Moving past the big man as she put the baby in a highchair near the table. I could tell instantly that both were related. They looked so much alike. “I’m Kitty, and this little lady is Hailey. I’m married to Bullseye.”
“It’s very nice to meet you,” I smiled in return.
“Remi’s not awake yet?” she asked looking about the room, and I shook my head no. “Well, I better get started on the coffee. These grumps don’t function without it.”
“It’s already done, and I’ve sent Jake to the store for groceries. When he returns, Rebekah and I are going to make breakfast.”
Kitty walked over to me and hugged me. “Thank God. Do you know how tiring it is to cook for these pigs? I hate it. Tag your it. The job is yours.”
“And mine!” Rebekah piped up smiling. Kitty laughed, bending down to kiss her chubby cheek. “And yours too, little miss.”
An hour or so later, Jake and Billy returned with bags of groceries, and I went to work preparing breakfast. I was just pulling out the homemade biscuits when Shamrock walked in, helping a groggy Remi to the table. The poor dear looked exhausted as she waddled towards the table. Shamrock went to the refrigerator and grabbed her bottle of orange juice, placing it before her.
“Remi, I made breakfast. Would you like some pancakes?”
“No, thank you. If you have apples, I would love one. Baby boy is all about his morning fruit.”
“You’re having a boy?” I asked, placing an apple in front of her.
“No,” She sighed, rubbing her growing belly. “I just think he’s a boy. Max thinks he’s a girl. We’ve decided to wait and be surprised.”
“I know, though,” Shamrock grinned proudly, snagging an apple from the bowl on the table.
“And you are to keep your mouth shut,” Remi growled.
“Lips are sealed, woman. I’ve made it this long without spilling the beans. I ain’t gonna say shit.”
“Bad word!” Rebekah shouted, holding out her hand. Shamrock sighed, reached for his wallet in his back pocket, and took out a dollar bill, handing it to Rebekah.
“So, I heard that you forgave him last night?” Remi grinned before taking a bite of an apple as Shamrock got a call and left the kitchen to take it.
Blushing, I nodded. What could I say? I loved him, and though I wished things went differently with his daughter, I couldn’t deny him. He’d been through so much already, and I didn’t want to add to his pain.
“Aunt Remi, can we watch Frozen today?” Rebekah asked, looking up from her coloring book.
“Sure. I love me some Olaf.”
When Shamrock came back into the kitchen, I could tell something was wrong. He wasn’t the happy-go-lucky man he was a few minutes ago, and apparently, Remi noticed too. “Sham, what’s wrong?”
“Nothing babe. Savage gather the boys. Chains, I need you to go get Ghost. Have everyone meet in Church.”
“Is Max okay?” Remi asked, anxious. Going to stand by her, I tried to lend her whatever support she needed.
“He’s fine, babe—just club business. Ari, Kitty, can you both keep an eye out on Remi until I get back. Jake and Billy will be here also.”
“Sure,” Kitty said, rolling her eyes. “Go do your thing.”
I nodded too as all the men left the kitchen. I wondered what was going on. Did it have anything to do with the Disciples of the Word, the Vultures, Grimm? I just didn’t know.
“Don’t think about it, Ari. It will give you a headache,” Kitty said before taking another drink of her coffee. “Club business is club business. If you don’t have a penis, you’ll be the last to know.”
“What’s a penis?” Rebekah asked.