Page 27 of Ghost
“Not yet, but we are all damn sure they know where she’s at.”
“How long?”
“Who fucking knows,” Reaper said, picking up Remi and sitting with her in his lap as he gently rubbed her growing belly. Reaper was highly protective of Remi. He found out that she was pregnant after they rescued her from the traffickers down in Louisiana. It was a bloody shit show, and none of us knew how Remi survived the ordeal, but she did and was now three months pregnant and happy. “The place is on lock-down, again. Bullseye and Chaos finally got the fence line finished and activated, and Savage has two men at the gates armed at all times. No one in, no one out.”
“I feel like shit.”
Reaper grinned. “Look like it too. Of course, that fancy haircut doesn’t help, either.”
I flipped him the one-finger salute as I laid back down. My head was spinning, and I needed it to stop. Shit was about to hit the fan soon, and I needed to get my head in the game. “Where’s Grimm?”
“Upstairs, mumbling to himself.”
“That’s good,” I murmured, closing my eyes.
“Is he awake!” a pissed-off woman said from the top of the stairs, looking at Reaper, who smiled and shouted back. “Yep, just woke up!”
Reaper stood, holding Remi next to him as he leaned over and whispered, “Oh, by the way. Phantom is pissed at you.”
“Why? What did I do?”
“You broke her toy.”
“What?” Confused, I heard her loud stomps as she descended the stairs into the basement. As she came into view, I noticed that Reaper and Remi moved back, giving the angry woman plenty of room. Usually, I wouldn’t be worried when a woman was pissed at me. I was used to it, but this was Phantom. She wasn’t like other women. She was one of us and could kill quickly without breaking a nail. As soon as she was close, Phantom hauled off and punched me in the gut, causing me to gasp and roll to my side.
“What the fuck, woman!”
“You piece of shit!” Phantom shouted. “Do you know what you did to Gadget? He’s maimed! Totally useless now, and it’s all your fault!”
“I didn’t do shit,” I coughed, taking in a deep breath of air. Fuck, that woman could break boulders with her fist. “I didn’t tell him to rescue her. He did that on his own.”
“I loaned him to you. Loaned! And I get him back broken. Do you know what that means?” She said, getting right in my face.
I cringed and cautiously replied, “No.”
“You owe me a mouse!”
“A what?”
“A mouse. A person who can get in and out of places and not be seen. A person who can blend in with their surroundings. A mouse!”
“Fine, I’ll get you a new mouse.”
God, if it wasn’t one thing, it was another.
I said nothing as she stomped back up the stairs, cursing me to hell and back. The funny thing was, I’d been to hell and never left.
Getting to my feet, I still felt off, weak. Ignoring my body, I walked towards the only closed-off section in Healers clinic and opened the curtain to find Aariaani sleeping. Healer was sitting next to her, going over her chart.
“How is she?”
Looking up, Healer frowned, getting to his feet. “She’s been shot and beaten near death. How do you think she is? I thought I’d seen it all when we rescued Remi, but this. This is too much Ghost. I don’t care who these fuckers are. They need to die. I did a full-body x-ray. Damn, near every one of her bones had some kind of hair-line fracture or break in them. She was beaten to the point of death. Her blood work was worse. There were so many drugs in her system, I fear she may go through withdrawals. How she stayed sane, I will never know. As for the gunshot wound, it knicked her liver which I repaired. But I’m more worried about all the bruising. Damn it, Ghost, this girl doesn’t have a single organ in her body that hasn’t been damaged. It was as if the person inflicting the pain knew exactly where to hit and with how much force. Some of these injuries should have killed her. How she is still alive, I don’t know.”
“Will she be okay,” Remi asked, curling into Reaper for support. I wished Remi didn’t have to hear any of this. She’d been through too much already. Plus, she was still fighting her own demons. She didn’t need anymore.
“She will live, sweetheart,” Healer smiled. “It’s going to take time, but she will be fine.”