Page 3 of Ghost
“No,” she lied.
“That’s right because I killed them all. You are mine, always were.”
She stopped mid-stride. “What did you just say?”
Darrin laughed, “You never were smart Remi, you never figured it out. Your bitch of a mother was mine. I owned her. I warned her that she belonged with me, but she didn’t listen. That’s why I raped her right before that fucking hippie’s eyes. Imagine my surprise when I found out she was pregnant. Yet she married him anyway. They thought they won. That I’d never find out, but I did. So, I took you. You were mine. You belonged to me, but that fucking bitch wouldn’t stop looking for you. When I set their house on fire, I figured that would be the end of it, but no. Imagine my surprise when I found out she gave birth to two more kids. Your sister was a beauty too. Could have made bank with that one. Your brother too.”
“You sick mother fucker!” she shouted, raising the gun she had hidden behind her. She fired shot after shot, charging him until the clip was empty. I grinned as I watched his body fall to the floor with a loud thud, Mia collapsing next to him.
“MIA!” I shouted, running towards her. Leaning over her, I gently brushed her hair from her face. There was so much blood. She was too pale, as she lay dying in a pool of her own blood. I placed my hands on her stomach as I tried desperately to stop the bleeding. The next thing I knew, Healer was sitting across from me.
“Keep pressure, Ghost.”
Doing as he instructed, I whispered, “Becca’s fine. Not a scratch.”
She smiled at me and whispered, “thank you,” right before her eyes closed.
“Fuck!” Healer shouted as he began compressions on her chest. “Don’t do this, Tyrant! Someone call for a fucking ambulance, fast!”
I don’t know how long Healer kept up his compressions or how long I sat there, my hands on her stomach, trying to stem the flow of blood, but when someone I’d never seen before tapped my shoulder, I couldn’t stop myself as I grabbed the fucker.
“Ghost!” Massacre shouted. “He’s a paramedic!”
Seeing the man for the first time, I let him go and stepped back, allowing him to do what he was trained for. A few minutes later, Healer and two paramedics had Mia loaded on a gurney as they raced for the waiting ambulance. As soon as the doors closed, I didn’t think. I ran for my bike and roared after them.
Everyone around turned their head as several bikers pulled in behind the ambulance with its siren blaring. I had to admit, we were a sight. It wasn’t every day; twenty or so bikers rode in behind an ambulance, but there was one of our own in there, and no one was going to stop us from being there for her. Three nurses and two doctors rushed from within the hospital as the sliding doors slid open. I climbed off my bike just as Healer jumped from the back of the ambulance, shouting orders.
He was covered in blood.
Her blood.
“Twenty-two-year-old woman with a GSW to her stomach. Had to resuscitate her twice in route. BP is 80 over 40. I can’t find the bleeder!” Healer shouted, running with the other nurses and doctors into the emergency room.
I tried not to listen. I knew it was bad. I followed behind as close as I could, not wanting to get in Healer’s way. When he got like this, he was worse than Reaper and had no problem putting anyone on their ass.
Still, I couldn’t let her leave my sight.
She was mine to protect.
I knew it was bad.
There was so much blood. I didn’t think her small body could hold that much blood. No matter what I tried, it just kept pumping out of her like a leaky faucet. I should have moved faster. I could have instantly killed that fucker when I saw him place his gun at her temple.
But I didn’t.
I didn’t move. I don’t know why. I heard Reaper talking, but not what he was saying. I couldn’t take my eyes off hers. She was scared. I’d never seen her frightened before. She was always such a high-spirited, kick-ass woman. She never let anything affect her. She was always balls to the wall, never taking shit from anyone. So, the thought of her being afraid never entered my mind.
“Baby, it’s going to be okay,” I remembered telling her as I reached behind me for the gun I kept at my back. I needed her to believe me because I wasn’t so sure.
I hated lying to her, but I needed her to be calm as I watched her blood start to pool on the floor around her feet.
“I love you,” She whispered as tears fell freely down her cheeks. Her face pale from the blood loss. She was hurt, and somehow, I could tell she knew it was bad. She’d never told me she loved me before. Did she know something I didn’t?
“I know, baby,” I replied, moving closer. I had wanted to talk to her for weeks now, but she was still mad at me for forcing her to marry me. I tried to explain why, but she wouldn’t listen. She was a stubborn one, our Tyrant.
I could hear the doctors and nurses all clamoring for their voices to be heard. Healer’s more than anyone’s as he barked orders furiously. Moving towards his voice, I stopped when the sheet blocking my view was yanked back. Healer was now on top of her, straddling her waist as he rhythmically pumped her chest. The doctors and nurses quickly moved the gurney with Healer, rapidly pumping her chest down the hallway, shouting at all in their path. I tried to follow them, but I was stopped when several large hands prohibited me from moving.
I didn’t understand what was happening.