Page 97 of Ghost
It was still dark when I left my bed, hearing my younger brother sneaking down the hallway. He never was light on his feet. I didn’t know why he ever tried. Carefully getting out of bed, I quickly dressed and looked at the beautiful woman sleeping in my bed. God, I wanted to climb back in there with her and hold her until the sun came up, but I knew where Ezekiel was going and what he was going to do. Sighing, I closed the door behind me and quickly peeked in on Becca, who was sleeping peacefully. Carefully shutting her door, I walked down the stairs and out the back door into the dark.
The shed was not far from the clubhouse, and I was thankful for that. After everything that had happened, I didn’t want to be too far away. The only thing calming my nerves was that the compound was guarded twenty-four-seven, and Bullseye had managed to get the cameras and alarm up and running before he left.
Seeing the shed before me, I cringed when I heard the first moan.
God, it was going to be a long night.
The shed wasn’t technically a shed.
That’s just what we called it.
The small building was made of cinderblocks and concrete. It wasn’t much, just a 10x10 room with no windows, primitive lighting, and a drain in the middle of the floor, but nonetheless, it served our needs.
The shed had welcomed many lives.
Though none left alive.
Opening the door, I could already hear Ezekiel hitting flesh and smiled, knowing my little brother couldn’t wait to exact his justice.
I shouldn’t have been surprised.
Out of the three of us, he was the most impatient and temperamental. Ezekiel didn’t know the meaning of quit. When he had a mind to do something, nothing, not even God, could stop him.
Baby brother had a gift when it came to torture.
He was an aficionado.
It was a gift that he was called upon many times to use.
Nothing phased him.
Not the screams, cries, someone begging, nothing.
He enjoyed his job and did it well.
Typically, Shadow did his own thing while the rest of us waited to receive whatever information he could get out of the captive. But this was different.
This was personal.
The whole club would get their chance at Malachi, and then Reaper himself would make the final kill. But nothing said we couldn’t touch him in the meantime.
Leaning against the wall, I watched as Shadow took another swing at Malachi. From the looks of my bastard brother, Shadow had been toying with him for a while.
From the looks of it, the boys had chained Malachi up. His feet were barely touching the floor. He looked like dog shit, not that I cared. I was here to make myself feel a little better and to beat the crap out of the man who hurt my woman. She had been through hell because of him, and for that alone, he wasn’t going to receive any mercy from me.
I didn’t care what happened to him anymore.
“You piece of shit,” Shadow roared, slamming his fist into Malachi’s face again. “She is our sister!”
He punched again.
“Ellie was fourteen!”