Page 34 of Bullseye
I didn’t know how long I had been lying in this one particular spot, but I refused to move. My sister was in that house, and I wasn’t leaving without her. I just had to figure out how to get in, grab her and leave without being seen.
It shouldn’t be that hard.
There were only seven Vultures, along with Vain and Jekyll.
Who was I kidding?
Jekyll alone was enough to warrant backup. That piece of shit tormented me my whole life. I hated him passionately and given a chance, I couldn’t wait to put a bullet in his head. If anyone ever deserved to have their head blown off, it was Jekyll. Yet, I did nothing as I waited for the cavalry to arrive.
God, I felt like a coward. Maybe I was. Who knew. The only thing I did know was that if I went in that house alone, my chances of saving Layla and getting out alive were slim to none. Typically, that wouldn’t have bothered me, but I also had a wife and kid at home that needed me. I couldn’t leave them, and I refused to leave my sister.
I was damned if I did and damned if I didn’t.
Basically, I was screwed either way.
Looking at my watch, I asked, speaking softly as I knew the mic I was wearing could pick up anything. “Any word yet, Savage?”
“How are things on your end?”
“Quiet,” he growled. “To fucking quiet.”
“Where is Malachi?”
“Walking around the house. He’s talking to someone on his phone. How’s everything on your end?”
“Same. Vultures everywhere, and Vain and Jekyll are in the house with Layla. I don’t like this Savage. They could leave any minute.”
“Reaper said to wait for him.”
“I hate this man.”
“I know. Just hang on. Help is coming.”
“Well, they better get here fast. I don’t expect the Vultures to stick around now that they have Layla.”
“I’ll call and check in with Massacre. Hang on.” Savage said as the silence in my ear was deafening.
Movement in front of me caught my attention as I lifted my scope to see what was happening. Scanning the area, I watched as a large black SUV pulled up to the small, abandoned house. Vultures stood their ground, weapons ready as the SUV stopped, and three men in fancy suits walked out then entered the small house.
Something was going down, and from the look of the Vultures, it wasn’t good. Grabbing my rifle, I moved from my position to get a closer look.
The woods surrounding the tiny house wasn’t as dense as I would have preferred, but with the new visitors, the Vultures weren’t paying attention to their surroundings, giving me the opening, I needed to move closer.
Just as I got into a new position, the front door opened, and out walked Vain, Jekyll, and Layla, followed by three men in suits. Layla fought to free herself from Jekyll’s grip, and when she hauled off and punched him, he backhanded her so hard he knocked her to the ground. Picking her up quickly, he threw her into the backseat of the waiting SUV and climbed in after her.
“Savage, they’re leaving,” I said, running back through the woods as fast as I could to where I parked my bike. I needed to hurry. I heard the SUV and several bikes startup. Reaching my own bike a few minutes later, I jumped on and shouted, “I’m following them!”
“Fuck!” Savage roared in my ear. “You have no backup. Wait for Reaper!”
“I won’t lose her again! Tell Reaper I’m heading south and to come fast!”