Page 23 of Giovanni
The drive from the airport to the family estate didn’t take long, only about an hour. In that time, I watched as Reginald got more nervous the closer we got. Whatever was bothering him was eating him from the inside out. I could see it clearly, and until he confessed, there was no way I could ease his discomfort.
I worried about him as my mind filled with thoughts of why he would abandon his whole family, and no matter what, I imagined the truth was always worse. I just hoped that whatever drove him away was fixable. If not, I feared I would lose my cousins forever.
However, before allowing them to roam the estate freely, I needed to remind both of them, especially Dwayne, who their real family was. I loved my cousins. I really did, but they’d been away from the family for too long. I needed to reintroduce them properly, and there was only one way to do that.
I needed to lighten the mood.
As the car pulled into the main gate, I looked up at the rearview mirror and barely nodded. I didn’t need to say anything more. Marko knew where to go and when he pulled the car into the main garage and shut off the engine, I said nothing as I got out first, turning to help Layla out. I quickly looked up and noticed that Marko, Paolo, and Nico waited patiently for my cue as Reggie and Dwayne stretched and looked around.
“I am going to take Layla up to her room. She is exhausted and needs rest. The rest of you, get the bags. Nico, let your brother know that Layla will be having packages arriving tomorrow morning and to put them in her room immediately. Also, when you get the chance, please let Amelia know we will have company for the foreseeable future, so she can prepare the meals accordingly. Now, if you gentlemen will excuse me, I need to make sure Layla is comfortable.”
The second I said that Marko, Paolo, and Nico grinned as my brothers Luciano and Salvatore appeared, punching his palm with his gloved fist. “Well, today is my lucky day.”
I grinned as Dwayne sighed and hung his head. “I knew this trip was going to bite me in the ass.”
“Awe, Dwayne. I’ve missed you.”
“Fuck you, Sal.”
“Hi Reggie!” my brother Luciano greeted, grabbing Reggie’s arm as Reggie shouted at my retreating figure.
“You can’t be serious right now?” Reggie asked as I ushered Layla inside the main house. I stopped, turned then grinned. “Welcome home, cousins.”
Shutting the door behind me, I tried and failed to hide my elation as the commotion from the garage grew louder. I could clearly hear the grunts and curses of Reggie and Dwayne as my brothers, and other cousins subdued them. Saying nothing more, I led Layla through the house and up the staircase to the second floor.
The estate was vast, with several outbuildings, mainly homes for the men who worked for my family. There was a large garden and a swimming pool accessible to anyone on the estate, along with access to the pool house gym where most men worked out. The estate itself was huge, sitting on thirty-two wooded acres.
“You have a beautiful home, Giovanni.”
“Thank you,Bella.”
“Do I want to know what that was all about in the garage?”
“Just welcoming my cousin's home properly,” I said, saying nothing more as I came to a stop in front of a door. Opening it, I motioned for her to walk ahead as I flipped on the lights letting her see where she would be staying. It was a beautiful room. One reserved for guests and always at the ready. It was also the only room in the house with cameras hidden throughout.
I didn’t get where I was today by blindly trusting everyone. I never trusted anyone who wasn’t family, and though Layla was just a woman, she had already started showing her hand. She wasn’t who everyone thought, and until I discovered all her secrets, I knew not to trust her. As far as I was concerned, until she was cleared, she was the enemy, and what better way to discover her secrets than to keep her comfortable and close.
“I hope this is to your liking.”
“It’s beautiful.”
“There is an adjoining bathroom just for you. The cabinets should be stocked with anything you might need. Your clothing will be arriving tomorrow, as I said earlier. I will have one of the maids put them away for you. Breakfast is at eight. If you need anything, just dial zero on the phone on the nightstand. Someone will answer.”
“Thank you, Giovanni.”
“You’re most welcome, Layla, and welcome to my home.” I said before turning to leave, only to stop when she said, “Gio, I know you don’t trust me. I’m not stupid. I’m not here to harm you or your family, but I do need your help.”
“We can talk about that tomorrow. Get some rest.”
“Thank you again. For everything.”
Saying nothing more, I quietly closed the door and smiled as I headed back downstairs to the fun that awaited. As I descended the stairs to the basement, I could hear the pounding of flesh, smell the sweat and anger as it filled the room, but I also heard laughter, fun banter between family. The comradery that I hadn’t heard since I was younger.
I missed those times. I wanted my family back. All of them. I couldn’t explain why two members of my family suddenly disappeared one night, never to be heard from again. I wanted the truth. I wanted them back. I wanted them home. My family wasn’t whole without them.
I said nothing as I walked past Reggie and Dwayne, both of them hanging from the ceiling, their feet barely touching the floor. Though I was happy to have them home, I still needed answers. Taking a seat on one of the old chairs my mother refused to get rid of, I said nothing as my brothers Salvatore and Luciano welcomed our cousin’s home. Marko, Paolo, Nico, and Enzo talked amongst themselves as they played cards over in the corner. Reaching for my phone, I said, “Continue.”