Page 26 of Giovanni
“I am.”
“Are you safe?”
“For the time being.”
“Look, you need to lay low for a while. Can you do that?”
“Where is Kitty?”
“She took off to New York. There’s been a wrinkle.”
“What kind of wrinkle?”
“She thinks she found her biological brother. What did you learn?”
“Not much. They moved me around a lot. A few times, I was close, but the Skulls were right on my heels. Especially when I saw my brother in Louisiana. He almost rescued me. I told you he would never give up. If it wasn’t for my quick thinking, he would have gotten to me.”
“I know. He was hell on wheels for weeks after that.”
“What I can tell you is that Angelo Capribella is not the leader as we believed. He reports to someone. I don’t have a name, but he does nothing without permission and whoever is in charge knows everything about us. Every detail.”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes. I’ve been in the same room with Capribella. He’s not the mastermind. We have another player in the game, and they are spoon-feeding Angelo information. It’s pissing him off.”
“Any idea who it is? Man? Woman?”
“I’m leaning towards a man. Whenever Angelo talked with this person, he would say bastard, not bitch.”
“That’s vague, Layla. It could still be anyone.”
“I know, but it’s all I have to go on. As for the Skulls, the treachery runs deep. I’ve seen Golden Skulls at a few of the meetings. Kitty is going to need to add names to her list.”
“Any from the main chapter?”
“No. They are from somewhere else.”
“You need to tell Reaper to watch his back.”
“I will.”
“How is my brother?”
“Bullseye is Bullseye. He doesn’t like being away from Kitty, and right now, he’s pacing because Kitty’s not here. He’s going to find out, and when he does, I don’t think any of us will be able to stop him.”
“Let’s just hope we can clean up this mess before he does. Are you back in Louisiana?”
“Yes, Caroline has Matrix’s son. Shocker, I know. Who knew that kid had a kid of his own? Anyway, you and Kitty were right. Matrix was pilfering club funds to Caroline, and now we know why. We’re coming up with a plan to get Matrix’s son out of the compound and to kill Caroline in the process.”
“That’s a start. The bitch dies, and Angelo no longer has eyes in the club nor the funds he needs to continue. So, what’s the holdup?”
“She’s got that place heavily guarded, plus two sharpshooters are always close to the kid. We can’t go in without tipping them off and getting the kid killed.”