Page 30 of Giovanni
“Matrix has a kid?” Player asked, looking at his brother Massacre who shrugged his shoulders.
“Yes, and Caroline Doherty is holding him. The club is going to take down the compound. When Caroline kidnapped Matrix’s son, he was siphoning funds to help her. To stop the money train, they have to get Matrix’s son away from that bitch and kill her, which will cut off Diablo. They have a plan, but not enough men.”
“I really hate that bitch,” Massacre muttered.
“Good. Then help me talk your cousin into saving the Golden Skulls.”
“She’s right Gio,” Player sighed. “You want your in. Here it is.”
I said nothing more as Gio looked about the room, but when his eyes stopped on me, I knew he was going to want more.
“There’s something else.”
I nodded reluctantly and added, “Yes, there is, but it can wait.”
“What is it?”
“I want you to kill Angelo Capribella.”
I had to give it to him. The man was in total control, even though every other man in the room looked as if I had grown another head.
Okay, I knew it wasn’t the best time to blurt out something like that. Still, I had to make sure Gio knew I meant business, and what better way to do that than to ask the head of the Valentinetti Family to kill a member of their most hated nemeses’, the Capribella Family. The same family the Valentinetti’s ran from years ago.
“And why would I do that?”
“Because when the time comes, you will want to.”
Gio grinned as he moved around the large desk. Leaning against it, he crossed his arms over his chest and sighed. “You know something,Cara,I love a good mystery and mybella farfalla, you are that.”
“Gio, you can’t seriously be considering this,” Antonio seethed, moving to block my view of him. “You can’t trust this woman. We know nothing about her. All we have is her word. She isn’t family.”
“Antonio is right, Gio,” Sal added. “We can’t trust her.”
Gio looked towards Player, then Massacre, and asked, “Tell me now. Why did you leave all those years ago?”
“Gio,” Massacre growled.
“No, he’s right, brother,” Player sighed, getting to his feet. “He won’t trust or protect Layla until he knows everything.”
“But he threatened to kill you!” Massacre shouted.
“Who?” Salvatore asked the room.
“Gio,” Massacre snarled. “Your brother, my cousin. He threatened to kill Reggie!”
Gio laughed. “Is that right, Reginald? Did I threaten to kill you?”
Player paled and hung his head.
“Reggie?” his brother questioned. “You said it was Gio.”
“I lied.”
“You lied?” Massacre said, moving towards his brother. “Who threatened you, Reggie? Who?”