Page 47 of Giovanni
“I am aware of the consequences. Can you make it happen?”
“Yes,” Luciano replied warily. “I can, but what will I tell her?”
“Oh, I know!” Illyria cheerfully piped up. “We can say it’s another shopping trip. She still hasn’t found a dress for the benefit, plus I saw her wardrobe. It’s severely lacking. I can help with that. We’ll just tell her we're going on a shopping trip.”
“Speaking of the benefit, Luciano, I need you to talk with Marko and Nico. I want Angelo Danvers fully investigated and tailed. I want to know every place, every person that man talks to. I want to know what he eats for dinner and what shampoo he uses. The works. Understand me, Luc. I want to know everything.”
“Yes. I believe Sal already called and talked with Marko about that.”
“I want you to oversee this personally. Let Marko know that I am not happy that Danvers slipped past our protocols. I want to know how he did that.”
“Yes, Gio.”
“I got that information on Reggie, Gio. I emailed it to you,” Illyria added. “Have you found anything new? Has he said why he left?”
“His story is becoming clearer. Which reminds me, call Giuseppe. Tell him he is needed.”
The line became eerily quiet.
I knew it would.
Our cousin Giuseppe Valentinetti wasn’t someone we called upon often, but he would drop everything for the family when needed. Right now, my cousin Giuseppe was more than likely playing some video game and eating his weight in cannoli. But it wasn’t his gaming skillsI needed. No, Giuseppe Valentinetti was the family’s procurer. Whatever I needed, he found and brought directly to me.
“Who shall I tell Giuseppe you need found?” Luciano carefully said.
“Angelo Demarco.”
I heard Illyria gasp and Luciano curse, “I knew that asshole wasn’t good. What did he do?”
“He told Reggie that I would kill him.”
“That’s why he left!” Illyria gasped. “Gio, you would never harm Reggie. He has to know that.”
“It’s more than that, Illyria. It’s rather unsettling overall, and I can't say anything until I hear all the details from Reggie himself. I know for sure that Angelo used me to get what he wanted, and he will answer for that. Call Giuseppe today. I know when Angelo is not with me, he scatters. I never had a reason to question where he goes. I do now. I want him found and brought to the compound. Giuseppe will know what to do with him.”
“Yes, sir,” Luciano said.
“Has Giorgio checked in?”
“Yes. Marko heard from him yesterday. Giorgio wants to know what you want him to do?”
“I will talk with Reaper, and we will decide. Just tell him to watch his back. Whatever is going on isn’t over with. Our paths are quickly converging.”
“And Layla?”
“Have her waiting for me. I will meet you there in a few hours. And Illyria, make sure she has everything she needs.”
“Yes, Gio.”
Hanging up the phone, I looked at my security cameras once more and smiled as I watched Layla bang on my bedroom door as she tried to get out of my room.
“You may think you have me trapped,Bella, but you are in my maze now.”
Turning back into the room, the door was flung open, and out stormed Reggie and Dwayne, followed by several other members of the Golden Skulls, along with my brothers Salvatore, Antonio, and Lorenzo. “What happened?”
Sal said nothing shaking his head as he followed our cousins and Lorenzo, leaving only Antonio with me.
“Reaper said he will sign the contract on one condition. Gio, my gut is telling me that you’re not going to like what he says. He said it was non-negotiable, and he will only talk to you personally. I don’t like this. It’s bad business. I need to know everything, so it can be documented. I don’t put a lot of faith in a handshake or promises, you know that. Whatever he wants, he isn’t saying. God, Gio, it could be anything, and if you don’t give him what he wants, he won’t sign.”