Page 49 of Player
I didn’t know all the particulars of what really happened, but I knew seeing Savage there was more to the watered-down version Reaper gave me days ago. It took a few minutes, but eventually, the room settled as Ghost continued. “God, you guys are giving me fucking gray hair. I swear if you don’t let me get through this meeting, I will have everyone on prospect duty for the rest of your lives. Now, as I was saying, Kitty’s funeral is tomorrow. All the ladies are preparing the food. If any of you can help them, I would appreciate that. Also, we need to get the pavilion cleaned up and the tables set up. We will have a club run in her honor. Everyone will attend. Savage and Sandman, you two, and Reaper will lead the run. Do not fuck with Reaper about this. The run will end here, where her funeral will commence. Afterward, we will do what we do best. Party. That’s what Kitty would want. There will be lots of booze and lots of food. There will be no fighting. At all. Any fist fly, it’s a quick trip to the shed. Understood?”
The room nodded.
“Good. As most of you know, Bullseye is awake and in the wind. I know this is not what we need right now, so let me be very clear. The man is in mourning. He just lost his wife. If any of you encounter him, do not piss him off. He’s already left his cut with a bullseye on it, and we all know what that means. He’s hunting. All I can tell you is give the man a wide berth. Reaper and I will try and find him, and hopefully, we can talk some sense into him.”
Ravage shook his head. “You won’t find him.”
Slaughter agreed. “If you want our opinion. Leave him alone. Dylan is in the wind. You will never find him.”
“He marked us all, Slaughter,” Ghost countered.
“True, but you don’t know him like we do. We all grew up together. Leave him alone. He will come home only when he is ready.”
“I will talk to Reaper when he gets back, but for now, I am inclined to agree with you. Give the man some space. I don’t think he’ll show up here with all of us around.”
“He will,” Trout muttered.
“Trout,” Ravage sighed. “Not now.”
“What is he talking about?” Ghost asked.
Ravage moaned, took a deep breath, and said, “Dylan may be in the wind. He may have marked us all for death, but he would never miss his wife’s funeral. If you want tomorrow to go smoothly, you better have men armed and scouting the area and make sure Savage stays hidden. I know my cousin. He’s not going to miss this opportunity.”
“Are you saying he would use his own wife’s funeral to exact his revenge?”
“Yes,” the entire Tennessee Chapter all said at once, then Ravage added, “And the person he will be aiming at is sitting next to you.”
Ghost turned to look at Savage, who had paled tremendously.
“Fuck,” Ghost sighed. “All right, Vicious, get a group of men together and position them around the burial site. Anything else I should be worried about regarding the funeral?”
“Nope. That about covers it,” Ravage smirked.
“Thank fuck. Phantom, you’re up.”
“Okay, as some of you know, Player has been recently reunited with his woman Catarina. She was sold to a man named Vito Roman Bianchi. He is head of the Bianchi Family in northern Italy. He is also in league with Diablo. Bianchi runs a breeding farm for Diablo.”
“Excuse me, did you say breeding farm?” Shotgun, the Vice President of the Montana Chapter, asked.
“You heard correctly. Women are taken to the farm if they fit a special criteria. Blonde, brunette, blue eyes, green eyes, white, black, you name it. There is always some fucked up asshole wanting something special, and these farms procure that for them. The women sent to these breeding farms are conditioned by abuse, trained to serve, and raped until pregnant. These women never leave the farms. They are there until they kill themselves or murdered when they are no longer useful.”
“What happens to the babies?” another brother asked.
“That’s where the farm makes its money. When the babies are born, they are immediately taken and handed off to a nurse who then transports the babies to holding centers or nurseries. Their babies are taken care of until they are sold for top dollar to anyone who can pay. Some babies are adopted by couples who can’t have kids, some are just plain bought, and yes, some are purchased for….”
“We get it,” I said, trying hard to tamp down the bile in my throat. I knew this chapter had dealt with the nastiest fuckers in the dark world, but I didn’t need a fucking constant reminder, especially since my woman was part of that shit.
“Sorry, Player,” Phantom whispered and continued. “This brings us to the Miami Chapter. Vicious, Hammer, and Bayou were sent to Miami to stop a sale. When there, they stumbled upon one of these nurseries. These nurseries are well hidden, and no one really knows where they are located, and there is absolutely no chatter of them on the dark web. However, finding the one in Miami was just pure luck. With the information Vicious was able to gather, we now believe we have a lead on three more in the United States alone.”
“Fuck,” I cursed, hanging my head.
This shit was never going to end.
I didn’t know how much more of this I could take.
“Ghost, I would like to put three teams on this. If even one of these leads is real, we need to stop it.”