Page 52 of Player
God, there was so much food.
Damn near every table was laden down with platters, bowls, and serving dishes of all kinds. I couldn’t remember the last time we had several clubs here and this much food. It was nice seeing all my brothers together, even if it was for a funeral, but that was tomorrow. Right now, we were all going to eat and have a good fucking time.
Taking Catarina by the hand, I walked her over to our seats and pulled out a chair, helping her sit. We had all found our seats and were about to dig in when we all heard a motorcycle arrive.
Looking at Ghost, he said nothing getting to his feet as he went to see who had arrived. Everyone who was supposed to be here was already here, except Reaper, who would arrive sometime tonight. Wondering who it was, I got to my feet along with Chaos and Smoke. Walking to the front of the clubhouse, we all stopped dead in our tracks, seeing a large biker holding a gun to Ghost’s forehead.
I couldn’t hear what they were saying, but I did hear Chaos whistle lowly. Seconds later, I could see several of our brothers quietly making their way around the clubhouse, each waiting for a signal.
“Who is that?” I heard Smoke ask.
Shaking my head. I had no clue.
I’d never seen the man before.
However, when the stranger cocked his gun, the rest of my brothers and I walked out, letting the man know he was no longer alone. I was about to give the order to shoot the fucker when Phantom sauntered out of the clubhouse as if she were on some damn catwalk, a gun in her hand aimed right at the stranger.
None of us moved as we all watched her smile sweetly at the fucker. I couldn’t hear what she was saying, but whatever it was, was really pissing the fucker off. Not stopping, she continued down the stairs as if she didn’t have a fucking care in the world. However, when the man refused to lower his gun, Phantom grinned, blew the fucker an air kiss, and then shot the stranger right between the eyes.
Moving closer, I reached Ghost as he turned to Phantom and said, “Church. Now.”
Phantom shrugged her shoulders, said nothing as she holstered her gun, did an about-face, and lazily walked back into the clubhouse, her head held high as if she didn’t give two fucks.
“Who the fuck is this piece of shit?” Shadow asked, looking at the dead biker on the ground. The man may have been wearing leathers and riding a motorcycle, but I could tell he wasn’t a real biker upon close inspection. The man was clean-cut as they came, and if I was a betting man, I would say he recently had his nails manicured. Fuck, the boots he was wearing were brand new.
Not a scuff on them.
There was no fucking way this man was a biker.
“Fucker had balls,” Smoke muttered before kicking the man’s boot. “He’s too pretty to be a lifer.”
“Bayou, take his bike to the garage. Lock it in one of the bays. I want it stripped down in the morning.” Ghost ordered, turning to Healer. “Healer, you and your brother take this piece of shit to the shed. I want this fucker disposed of by nightfall.”
“Can’t do that, Ghost. We’ve got the women in the back,” Healer stated. “We’ll take him to the infirmary until the women are asleep.”
Healer and Judge picked up the body and carried him inside.
“I didn’t see a club patch,” I said, then added. “What club was he with?”
“He wasn’t. He was a poser.” Ghost growled.
“Did he say why he was here?” Ravage asked, looking around the grounds.
“He was looking for Lena.”
“Who the hell is Lena?” Doolittle questioned.
Ghost turned towards the clubhouse and clearly said, “Phantom. He was looking for Phantom.”
“Well,” Ravage grinned. “That woman just got a lot more interesting.”
“Everyone, head back to dinner. The women worked hard to feed us all, and I don’t know about you all, but I don’t want to piss them off. Ravage, Doolittle, Player, I need you three in church with me. Go make your apologies to the women. Player, can you please tell Ari I will be there as soon as I can. Go ahead and have the women serve dinner. Ravage, since you don’t have a woman, come with me.”
Ghost said nothing more as Doolittle and I walked back to the women, who were already dishing out plates of food. Heading for Catarina, I kissed her cheek as she looked up at me. I could tell she wanted to ask, but for some reason, she didn’t. “Baby, I’ve gotta go take care of something really quick. I need you to stay here with Ari and Remi. When I’m done, I will come find you.”
“Is everything okay?”
“I don’t know yet.”