Page 75 of Player
“Fuck,” I sighed. “Player finds out, and there will be no stopping him from killing the fucker. Did you run this by Matrix? Has he verified all of it?”
“He’s doing it now.”
“Okay, come find me when he has. I need to see Sypher.”
Finding him in his office, I leaned against the door and watched as the smartest kid I’d ever seen typed furiously on two keyboards in front of him. He had several monitors hanging on the wall and three tall towers blinking so fast it looked like a strobe light at an all-night rave.
The kid jumped in his seat, turning fast as he looked at me.
“Any word on Colin?”
“Yeah. Something is going on. I was about to update you when my alarms started going off. Look,” the young kid said, quickly turning around in his chair and bringing up Colin’s live feed.
I watched as Linda Hughes moved about Colin’s small room on the screen, throwing clothes and toys into several bags. Minutes later, a man I didn’t recognize walked in, grabbed the bags as she scooped up Colin in her arms.
“They are running, Mr. Reaper.”
“Where is Gadget?” I asked, moving further into the room.
“He hasn’t checked in today.”
“Turn his locator on,” I ordered.
Within seconds one of the screens changed, and I found myself looking at the architectural layout of the townhouse Colin was in. On the screen, a green blinking dot let me know that Gadget was still in the house.
“Has he moved at all?”
“Not since last night.”
“Call him,” I ordered as I stepped back, leaned out into the hallway, and shouted for Ghost.
Something was wrong.
I could feel it.
“Matrix verified everything,” Phantom said, walking in noticing the tense situation. She asked, “What’s going on?”
“When was the last time you talked to your brother?”
“Last night. He called and said everything was good.”
“Sypher, anything?” I asked, looking at the kid.
“Nothing. He isn’t answering.”
“Fuck!” I roared. “Ghost!”
I heard several boots running down the hall.
Ghost and several others appeared at the door.
“What?” My V.P. asked.
“Call Axel, Shadow, and Luciano. Tell them to intercept Player.”
“Shadow already checked in. They made it to the hotel. They are with him and Catarina, now.”