Page 78 of Player
I wasn’t blind. I knew she was still hurting, and I would rather her yell, scream, hit, cry, anything other than shut down on me. I couldn’t help her unless she talked to me, and since we left California, she rarely talked. From the moment she woke till she fell asleep, she would sit in front of that fucking computer and watch the live feed.
Fuck. I wish Sypher never gave her that damn thing.
Now that I destroyed it in a fit of rage, I took the only connection she had to our son.
“Reggie,” Sal said quietly, getting my attention. “Gio received some information earlier this morning. That’s why Dwayne and I are here. It’s also why Gary and Linda Hughes are on the move.”
“He’s right, Player,” Shadow said. “I got a text from Reaper. He has mobilized the club, and all of them are coming.”
“What happened?” I asked, my heart beating erratically in my chest. I saw the video feed. I knew they were running. But what caused them to do so. All the fucking judges decided in their favor. What would have caused them to run?
“Here, Antonio can explain better than I can,” Sal said, turning his laptop I could see. My cousin Antonio was moving about his law office on the screen shouting at people. “Tony,” Salvatore said, getting his brother's attention.
“I’m here,” Antonio said, leaning towards the screen. “Okay, Reggie, I’m going to make this fast cause I need to head over to the police station. The information Gio received this morning was given to the Tribune, who then leaked it to the major networks. It’s all over the news. The judge who ruled against you in the last case has just reversed his decision. He is giving you sole custody of Colin.”
“What!” Catarina shouted, getting to her feet as she came over to stand next to me. Wrapping my arms around her, I placed her in my lap so she could see and hear Antonio.
“Hi, Cat. Like I was saying, Colin, has been turned over to Reggie. However, when D.C. CPS showed up at the townhouse to get him, the Hughes were already gone. The authorities just missed him. Giovanni is at the police station right now, insisting that an Amber Alert be issued for Colin. The Hughes' other two kids were picked up at school. They are safe for the time being. I want you to know that the family is doing everything we can to stop them and get Colin back.”
“Where are they going, Antonio?” Massacre asked.
“We think they are heading to Bridgeport, Maine. They have a house there. But it’s also in close proximity to Canada. From there, they can fly anywhere. D.C. Police Department has already called the Canadian Authorities. Hopefully, they will put out the alert before Hughes tries to enter Canada.”
“I’m telling Michael to head for Maine,” Massacre said, rushing to the cockpit.
“Hang on, Antonio, Illyria is trying to video chat,” Sal said, hitting a button on the computer.
When her face appeared, I expected to see her smiling, not scowling. “Hang on, Sal,” she said, then shouted into her phone, “I don’t give a shit. You are closer. Do this, and I will consider it. Yes, I know I’ve been complaining about our age difference, but this is different. It’s my baby cousin. He’s not even three years old. Do me this favor, and I will give you one chance. That’s it. Nothing more. Thank you, Maxim.”
The second she put her phone down, Sal growled. “Tell me you didn’t call that mother fucker!”
“Shut up Sal. He’s closer, and he owes me.”
“I don’t care!”
Illyria rolled her eyes, then smiled, “Hi, Cat. I can’t wait to see you. I want you to know that Colin is coming home today. I promise. I have ensured it. Now, as much as I would love to explain, I need to call Gio and let him know what I’ve done. And Sal, stay the hell out of my personal life, or I will start messing with yours.” With that, her face disappeared.
I didn’t want to know what that was all about.
I didn’t care.
I wanted to know what the fuck was going on.
“Someone better tell me what happened before I start tearing this plane apart.”
Sal looked at Massacre, who lightly shook his head, saying nothing. Antonio sighed before he spoke. “Okay, I will tell you the basics, that’s it. Gio received photos this morning. They were couriered over to the compound. The person who sent them was anonymous. There are ten photos in total, each more damning than the other. I will not tell you what they portrayed, so don’t ask, but I will tell you they were incriminating enough for the judge to overturn his decision and for the local police and the FBI to issue arrest warrants for Gary Hughes, his wife Linda, and her father Edward Lyons Jr. They will be going to jail for a very long time.”
“What about Colin?” Catarina whispered.
“Colin is currently with Linda and Gary Hughes. When news broke about her father, she scooped up Colin, and it is believed they are heading for their home in Bridgeport, Maine. D.C. Police and FBI have notified the authorities in Bridgeport, and they have assured us that they will be there when they arrive.”
“Are they expecting any problems?” I asked, holding Catarina closer to me. I could feel her body trembling. I knew she was worried, and I was too. I didn’t trust anyone with the welfare of my son, and if I could get there before them, all the better. I had plans for those fuckers, and I wouldn’t rest until I exacted my revenge. From the way Antonio was talking, I knew that there was more to these photos that he was letting on, and I would bet my left nut that they had something to do with Catarina.
“Highly doubt it. The man is an attorney, and his wife is a stay-at-home housewife, but they are preparing for anything,” Antonio said then added. “Look, I need to go. Just get to Maine and fast. I don’t know when this shit will go down, but it’s happening today.”
With that, Antonio cut the feed, leaving the plane eerily quiet.
One of the best things about using my cousin’s Gio’s plane was that it was fast. Like really fast.