Page 99 of Player
It was so fucking far from fine…it was ridiculous.
While everyone geared up for whatever fucking came next, no one really gave a damn about what really happened to Kitty.
My fucking baby sister.
The one who saved the club.
No one fucking cared.
Not a single brother actually cared to ask who it was that shot my sister. They all believed it was some fucking random fucker who worked for the bitch.
But it wasn’t.
Shocker, right?
When I walked into the fucking shack and saw who was standing over her, I fucking knew this club was never going to be the same again. Oh, they had feelers out for the fucker but they didn’t know the truth. I did and I wasn’t going to say shit.
That mother fucker was mine. And when I found him, I was going to put a fucking bullet in his head, just like he did my sister.
“Savage,” she ran after me. “I don’t think Reaper wants you to leave.”
“He ain’t my fucking father. Fuck him.”
“Come on. It’s late. Let me help you back upstairs.”
“I’m not tired.”
“Then let’s go eat something.”
“Not hungry.”
Walking out of the club into the night, I spotted my bike and headed right for it.
“Where are you going?” she chased after me.
“To take care of something.”
“Why do you care, Jessica. Why are you really here?” I asked, stopping as I looked at her. I watched as she clammed up, saying nothing. “Exactly. You can go fuck yourself like everyone else here. No one cares about her.”
“My sister!” I roared, getting in her face. “This whole mother fucking club just used her, and when shit went sideways, they did nothing to protect her even after they promised they would. And you want to know what the biggest kick in pants is…they don’t even know who fucking killed her!”
“But Reaper said….”
“Fuck Reaper. He got what he wanted. Do you think he’s out looking for him? He’s not. His head is so far up his woman’s pussy, he can’t see straight. I’ve had it! I’m going to find this fucker and do to him what he did to my sister.”
Hopping on my bike, I started it, letting the rumble of the engine between my legs calm me. I was about to pull away when she jumped on the back of my bike.
“What the fuck, Jessica. Get off my bike!”
“No. I’m coming with you.”
“No, you’re not.”
“Yes, I am.”