Page 32 of Lorenzo
Standing erect once again, I took a deep breath and left the suite.
I really didn’t want to go after the demon woman but I knew what would happen to me if I didn’t. I would never hear the end of it from Gio or my brothers and it was anyone’s guess as to what Illyria or Layla would do to me.
Nope. I was a dead man walking regardless of what I did.
Damned if I did, damned if I didn’t.
I was screwed and not in a pleasurable way.
I was up shit’s creek without a paddle and all that stuff.
The good thing was I knew where she was headed and if she knew what was good for her, she would be there when I arrived.
The birthday party was in full swing when I made it to the marina. I could hear the music and the large crowd from where I stood on the dock. Fucker had gone all out for this party. Paparazzi were everywhere, snapping pictures of those who arrived, while some tried to sneak into the party. Security was tight but that wouldn’t stop them. The second I emerged from my ride, blinding flashes peppered my sight. I heard several people shouting my name, asking questions that I didn’t answer.
I wasn’t here to celebrate. Of course, the vultures didn’t know that. I was here for only one thing. One, tiny, mean woman with a foot made a steel. And when I got my hands on her, I was going to break my foot off in her ass.
She was definitely nothing like her sister.
She was worse.
Making my way down the pier, the music and crowd got louder. By the time I made it on the yacht, the noise was deafening. Typically, I would be all about a party like this but after what happened back at the hotel, I wanted nothing to do with it. I wanted to get what I came for, go back to the hotel, soak in a hot tub and give my dick the attention it deserved.
“Lorenzo Valentinetti!”
Turning, I saw the man of the hour, Luca Costa.
Fucking weasel.
“You came!” he greeted hugging me and slapping my back. “Come, let me get you a drink.”
“No thank you, Luca. I am looking for someone.”
“Well, you came to the right place. Everyone is here.”
I said, looking around the crowded boat, “You wouldn’t know her. I just met her myself.”
Luca laughed. “Already lost your one-night stand and she came here?”
“It’s not like that,” I muttered as my eyes landed on the vicious woman. Just seeing her had my balls retreating into my throat. Yeah, I wasn’t ashamed to admit she scared me now.
Ignoring Luca, I pushed my way through the thick crowd to get to her and when she turned and saw me, the brat actually smiled and greeted me as if she did nothing wrong, “Oh good, you made it.”
Leaning down, I whispered, “I am going to beat your ass when we get back to the hotel.”
She laughed. “Promise?”
“Let’s go,” I growled, grabbing her arm.
“Whoa, you can’t leave Lorenzo. You just got here.”
Fuck. I forgot about the weasel.
Pulling Donatella closer to me, I wrapped my arm around her waist and held her tightly to me. I wasn’t taking any chances where she was concerned.
“Sorry Luca but I can’t stay. Maybe when we are back in Chicago we can drink at the club. My treat.”
The fucker ignored me as he looked at Donatella.