Page 38 of Lorenzo
“How about I give you a ride back to the Derringer.”
“How did you know that’s where we are staying?”
“Lucky guess,” the man shrugged.
“Look man. I’ve had a shitty night. My woman has been drugged and I may have taken matters into my own hands. I don’t need any more trouble.”
“No trouble here, friend. You can call me your guardian angel if you like. Put her in the back seat. We need to get out of here before the local LEOs see you,” he said, walking around to the driver's side and getting in. Looking around, I knew I was never going to get a cab. It was either trust this stranger or walk her back to the hotel and with the way the both of us looked, I would have every cop in Fort Lauderdale on my ass.
Throwing caution to the wind, I took the stranger up on his offer. Within minutes, we traveled down the road and away from the marina. Finally taking a breath, I looked over my shoulder to check on Donatella. She was still out cold.
“Thank you for this.”
“Don’t thank me yet,” the stranger said, taking the nearest exit that led to the interstate.
“Hey, the hotel is back the other way.”
“I know. She isn’t safe there anymore. I’ve arranged transportation for the both of you,” The stranger said, stepping on the gas as he sped down the interstate.
I never told him my name. Every stranger-danger story I heard growing up came rushing forward. Did I just put Donatella in more danger? Could I have been that stupid? Who was I kidding? Of course I was. I’d been told my whole life I never thought things through and this just proved it.
I just fucked up again.
“Who are you?”
“My name doesn’t matter. What matters is that you unintentionally involved your family in a war that’s been brewing for years. Tell me. Were you looking for a death wish when you went to that party or did you intend to kill those bastards?”
I said nothing. How did this man know what I just did? Who was he? Why was he there? What the fuck was going on?
“Look, there are factions at play that you and your family know nothing about. When your family aligned themselves with the Golden Skulls, you guys inadvertently involved yourselves in a war you really know nothing about. Now that Luca is dead, that war will come barreling down upon your heads. You need to prepare your family because this is only the beginning.”
“What are you talking about?”
“You guys have done good so far and you are smart. You all have that going for you but now that Luca’s dead, theLegionwill come for all of you. Playtime is over. Thanks to you, your family has made it to the big leagues. It’s my fault really. I was notified too late to protect her myself. Just know that there are others out there who want her dead.”
“What are you talking about? You are making no sense.”
“I’m talking about the Original Seven, Vito Bianchi, the men your brother and Reaper are after. You all need to start looking at the bigger picture. Everyone works for someone and the Original Seven and Bianchi work forLegion.Legionis global and they are everywhere. Stop thinking local and start thinking global. The world is a nasty place and your family is now on their radar.
“I’ve had someone keeping tabs on all of you for a while but you have elevated your family and the Golden Skulls to the big league's thanks to your actions tonight. Miguel Costa isn’t just the simple thug your family thinks he is. He takes orders from Jamal Rabinski, the head of the Central America branch ofLegion. Your brother Gio was right to not get in bed with Costa. He’s bad news. He makes Hannibal Lecter look like Dr. Suess and you killed his only son tonight. Good job with the bat by the way. You play baseball?”
“No,” I whispered, as I continued trying to understand what he was trying to tell me. I knew of Bianchi. That mother fucker tortured my cousin’s woman for years. Bianchi ran a breeding farm in Italy and was in league with the Original Seven who the Golden Skulls were trying to bring down. Bianchi and the Original Seven were some of the biggest scumbags on the earth, trafficking men, women and children. They lived outside the law and did what they wanted, thanks to their significant ties to the federal government.
When my brother Giovanni agreed to align our two families, we decided to help the Golden Skulls bring down the Original Seven. In return, the Skulls agreed to help with Bianchi.
What was confusing me was how they were all connected. Costa was nothing more than a low-life drug dealer. How was he connected to Bianchi and the Original Seven? And who in the hell was this Jamal Rabinski?
“Look, I know this is a lot to take in right now. I wanted to make my presence known at a more conducive time but plans are in motion that can’t be stopped. When Costa put a hit out on Donatella, he opened up a can of worms that can’t be resealed. That’s where I come in.”
“How do you know Donatella?”
The stranger sighed, gripping the steering wheel tighter.
I waited as he said nothing. When he stayed silent, I asked again. “How do you know my woman? Why were you at the pier tonight? Who are you?”
“I am someone who cares. I care what happens to her. So, I need you to be completely truthful with me right now. Is she really yours? Because if she’s not, I can protect her. I can make sure she will stay safe.”
Turning to the back seat, I stared at her sleeping form. She looked so peaceful, so young, so beautiful. I knew what he was asking. I wasn’t that stupid. But watching her now, knowing what she’d just been through, I knew there was no way in hell I was going to be able to give her up. She may aggravate me to no end and I would definitely have to start wearing a cup around her but she was my responsibility. I owed it to Penny, to my family, to me. I wanted that responsibility. My world shifted seeing her on that bed and for the first time in my life, I was more concerned about someone else. I wanted to ensure she was safe and cared for. I wanted the challenge. I needed it. I knew she would fight me every step of the way but I didn’t care.