Page 46 of Lorenzo
Well shit.
Donatella looked over at me and all I did was shrug my shoulders. Following big brother, I tried to reach for her hand. You know, forming a united front and all that but she swatted it away, walking ahead of me.
She was not going to make this easy for me.
At all.
Sitting in the chair next to her, I said nothing as Giovanni closed the door, walked around his desk and sat. Neither of us said a word as we waited for Gio to speak and when he did, I cringed.
“Do you realize the ramifications of your actions tonight? Because you can’t follow simple instructions Lorenzo, you put Donatella in danger. She was almost raped because you couldn’t leave well enough alone. Then if that wasn’t bad enough, you go and kill five of Costa’s men, one of them being his only son. You started a war tonight, Lorenzo, because you just had to go to a damn party!” Giovanni roared angrily.
“You put this family in danger but most importantly…you embarrassed the family. What do you have to say for yourself?”
“It wasn’t all his fault,” Donatella clearly said, coming to my defense. However, Gio didn’t want to hear it. “I wasn’t talking to you young lady.”
Donatella flinched as if he slapped her. Jumping to my feet, I roared, “You don’t ever talk to her that way!”
“I will talk however I want. I am in charge of this family. What I say is law.”
“Fuck you, Gio. You are not the lord and master.”
“Lorenzo,” I heard her whisper as her soft hand wrapped around my arm. Turning to her, I pulled her into my arms, kissed the top of her head, then looked back at my brother. “Apologize to her right now.”
“Or what?” Gio challenged.
“Or we are leaving. I don’t need a reminder of my fuck ups. They are in my nightmares every night. But what you just did was beneath you and this family. Mom would have your ass if she were alive and God only knows what dad would do. Apologize. Now.”
“Lorenzo, this isn’t a game. What you did tonight will have repercussions.”
“I understand that and I am sorry but you would have done the same thing if it was Layla and you know it.”
Gio sighed, sitting back down. “The fact is that killing Luca was just the tip of the iceberg. Thanks to your good Samaritan, I just recently learned that Donatella’s father wasn’t just the broker for Miguel Costa. He was his partner, the procurer. I’m sorry to tell you this Donnie but your father wasn’t as he seemed.”
“What do you mean?”
“You are a smart girl, so I will be straight with you. Your father was partners with Miguel Costa. While Costa ran the drug distribution, your father’s job was to locate and kidnap women for Vito Bianchi, a very evil man. Vito Bianchi operates out of Italy. He runs breeding farms, where women are held captive and raped until pregnant. When these children are born, they are sold to the highest bidders. Your father would procure women from the United States, then ship the women overseas to various farms worldwide.”
“No,” Donatella whispered so softly I barely heard her. Holding her close to me, I sat back down, placing her in my lap. I was expecting her to fight me but she didn’t. Instead, she leaned against me, as my arms tightened. “You have to be wrong.”
“I wish I was.”
“What else aren’t you saying, Gio?” I asked, knowing my brother was holding something back. “She has a right to know.”
“When Miguel Costa found out that your father was double-crossing him with Bianchi, he put the hit out on your parents. Lorenzo, you and Penny were right. Their parents were murdered. As for you and your sister, Miguel sold you both to Bianchi to make up for the lost revenue. Costa isn’t after you, Donnie. Bianchi is. I believe when Bianchi’s men tried to apprehend your sister, she fought them and was killed before they could grab her. As for you Donnie, not only does Bianchi want you but Miguel Costa also put a hit out on you, that was until he learned who you were affiliated with. Word is that Costa now wants you as a bargaining chip not only with Bianchi but also with your family. He is determined to get you one way or the other. Dead or alive.”
“I don’t understand. I’ve never met them. Why do they want me? I’m no one.”
“That’s where you are wrong. When you first arrived, I had someone look into your background. Nothing really, just standard stuff but he found something. Donatella, you are the niece of the St. James family in New York. Your aunt, Sylvia St. James, is the wealthiest woman in New York. In fact, I would say the entire east coast. With ties to her, anyone who had you, could demand anything and get it.”
“But I don’t know my aunt. I was just a kid the last time I saw her. She probably doesn’t even remember me.”
“She does. In fact, she was very concerned when I received her call the night you and Lorenzo took off for Florida. She is sending her son here. He will be arriving tomorrow afternoon.”
“What else?” I asked, looking at my brother.
There was more.
I knew it.