Page 60 of Lorenzo
“Why? This is more fun and you’re too easy to rile. So, she told you.”
“That you are her cousin. Yes. You know you could have just told me.”
“Where’s the fun in that? Besides, I like seeing you squirm.”
“Fuck you, asshole,” I said, walking back into the house, ignoring him as he followed.
“Oh, come on Lorenzo. Give it time. I bet you and I are going to be good friends.”
“Don’t count on it. What are you still doing here? I thought you left already.”
“Nope, I got time to kill. Oh, I’ve also taken one of your spare rooms upstairs.”
Fuck me. I was going to kill this fucker before I killed Costa’s men. I didn’t need this shit. It was bad enough with who he was. Now he was helping himself to my home.
“So, you invite yourself into my house and are now you are spying on me?” I asked, opening the fridge and grabbing a bottle of water.
“Just keeping an eye out on my cousin. You know, making sure she is safe and happy.”
“That’s my job asshole.”
“And how’s that going for you?”
“I hate you,” I said, slamming the fridge door. “Why are you still here and don’t give me any of that protection bullshit?”
“Costa made his play. He met with Bianchi and Jamal Rabinski, the head of the Central American branch ofLegion.They are aware that you have Donatella.”
“Okay. He had a hit out on her and I wasn’t hiding in Florida. So, what’s the problem?”
“He is saying that you and I are in danger.” She said, leaning against the wall near the entrance of the kitchen.
Just great! The one person I wanted to be kept out of this shit, was in the know. How in the hell was I going to protect her, if she was just as sneaky as her cousin?
Gideon St. James I could handle.
It was Donatella, I wasn’t so sure about.
This mess was getting out of hand fast.
“Baby, this doesn’t concern you. I will take care of it.”
She just stared at me as if I had grown two heads. Saying nothing she didn’t move while I scrambled for the right thing to say. Looking towards Gideon, who was trying unsuccessfully to hide his smile, I knew I wouldn’t get any help from him.
The fact was that Donatella was an extremely smart woman. Smarter than me by a mile. If anyone could come up with a way out of this mess it was her. My only fear was that she would want a gun and insist on going with us to clean up this mess. That was something I wouldn’t allow. Not that I didn’t believe she was capable, it was just a man thing. No real man would ever allow his woman to fight beside him and get hurt and I was definitely one of those men.
Nope. Not happening. Ever.
What I would allow was her helping with the planning. Her brain worked differently than mine. Where I was all for charging in and killing everyone in sight, I had a feeling Donatella would come up with a more conducive way to get things done.
Sighing, I lowered my head and said, “Fine. What do you think we should do?”
“I don’t know yet. I need access to their computers. Can you get me that?”
I looked at Gideon and asked, “Well, can you?”
“I don’t want my cousin near this shit, Lorenzo.”
“And I want to keep my balls attached to my body. Donatella is wicked smart, asshole. If anyone can find a way out of this without getting hurt, it’s her.”