Page 76 of Lorenzo
“Lorenzo,” Donatella whispered. “I want to go home.”
Looking at Gideon, I challenged him to say anything different. He knew I was right. I could see it plainly on his face. He only needed to accept it. When he stayed quiet, I added. “Antonio. We are doing this my way. No but’s. It’s my way or I hang up.”
“Okay brother.”
“I need you to get with Gio and tell him what’s going on. Then I want you to get the family on that investigation. Have Gio send Nico and Eduardo to New York. I need them plus Donatella likes them and trusts them. I also need a number for Phantom. That girl is good and I need her skills.”
“Reaper isn’t going to like that.”
“I don’t give a fuck. Call Reggie if you have to. He will help.”
“Where are you headed to?”
Gideon cleared his voice and said, “I know of a place. Somewhere where even my mother doesn’t know about. Jonathon head to Sanctuary.”
“Send Tony the address so he can give it to Nico and Eduardo,” I ordered Gideon. “Antonio. Thank you.”
“Just stay safe brother.”
Hanging up the phone, I said nothing else for the rest of the trip, as I held my woman, trying desperately to calm the raging storm surrounding us.
Hours later, Jonathon pulled into an underground garage. After punching in a code, the security gate opened and the vehicle moved forward, finding a place to park seconds later.
Getting out, I carried a now sleeping Donatella in my arms. She ended up crying herself to sleep. It broke my heart to hear her cries, vowing retribution on anyone who dared make her cry again.
“This way,” Gideon said, moving quickly towards a set of elevators. Once inside, he placed his hand on a scanner, then leaned forward as his eyes were scanned. “Welcome Mr. Gideon.” A computer-generated voice said.
“Thank you, Sanctuary. Third floor please.”
“What is this place?” I asked.
“It’s one of several buildings I own around the world. This place is called Sanctuary. A totally secured site that houses three floors. The third level is the housing complex, where you and Donatella will be staying. After she is settled, we can talk more.”
The elevator doors opened to a circular gathering foyer. Furniture was strategically placed to give the area a homey feel. Four long halls branched off the main entrance. Following Gideon as he headed for the right hallway, he stopped in front of a door and said, “Sanctuary, add the name Lorenzo Valentinetti to the database.”
“Scan ready.” The computer announced.
Moving to the side, Gideon motioned for me to stand in front of the scanner.
“Put your hand on the scanner,” Gideon said. Doing as he instructed, I watched as a green light moved up and down my palm. “Now lean forward for the eye scan.”
After the scans were complete, the door unlocked.
Walking in, I surveyed everything around. It was a large penthouse-style apartment, with all the amenities. Full chef’s kitchen with granite countertops and top-of-the-line appliances. There was a large dining table off to the left of the kitchen that could seat at least twelve. The large living room was fully furnished with leather sofas and a white shag rug. The fireplace ran along the wall and had a large screen TV over the mantle. The floors were beautiful dark hardwood. The place was perfect, even down to the little touches like paintings that hung on the cream-colored walls and plants that brightened up the place.
“There are three bedrooms in each apartment, with an office. All the apartments are automatically security activated when you walk in the door. Each apartment is fully stocked. If there is anything you need, just tell Sanctuary and she will add it to the weekly grocery list. There are no keys to any of the apartments. The only way in is through a biometric signature. When Donatella wakes, I will need to get her scanned into the system. Follow me. The master bedroom is this way.”
“Where is this place?”
“Oh, we're still in the city. Jonathon just took the long way around in case we were being followed. You can put her in here.”
Moving past Gideon, I got a good look at the master bedroom. It was stunning. A large king-size bed sat against the back wall, with nightstands on each side. There was a small sitting area with a chaise lounge and a small table. The whole room was carpeted and when I placed Donatella on the large bed, she just rolled over onto her side, never waking. Seeing a plush blanket at the end of the bed, I covered her, kissing her head.
Leaving the room, I left the door cracked before turning to Gideon and pushing him up against the wall. “If you ever put a gun to her head again, I will rip your arms from your body and beat you to death with them. Got me asshole.”
“Got it.”
I didn’t know how long I sat there in the living room watching the flames flicker and burn. It was actually soothing and calming, though I didn’t think anything could calm me down at the moment.