Page 99 of Lorenzo
“Don’t make me call Aunt Roxy.”
“Like she scares me.” Bullseye deadpanned.
“She scares me,” Illyria whispered. I didn’t know who they were talking about, not that I really cared. I was just happy to be talking about anything else besides what was really going on.
“Is Gio’s life in danger?” Layla bluntly asked.
Reagan offered. “I think we all are. At least that’s what I’ve heard.”
“What do you mean?” Illyria asked.
Reagan looked at me and asked, “Do you want to tell them or shall I?”
I sighed. I knew this was too good to be true. These women were capable individuals, each with their own levels of intellect. They weren’t stupid by any means. What was going on affected them too. There was no getting around it all. As long as they stayed with the men in their lives, they would need to know the score. What they were getting into. So, I nodded and spoke. “Fine. Now I don’t know all the specifics but what I know isn’t good. When I was fifteen, I had an idea that would allow human beings to access their brain's full potential. It was a beautiful and innocent concept. A wonderful way for humanity to live in peace. No wars, no famine, just humanity living together in peace. For a while I kept my idea to myself. Then when I was seventeen, I had enough information to apply my idea. I applied for a grant and got it. For the next year, I worked hard to create a device that would open the mind when combined with the individual's DNA.”
“It’s a lot more technical than that but yes,” Reagan grinned.
“Anyway, my idea was to help humanity but there were other uses. Uses that I never considered, like military uses that could be implemented. When I found out that the federal government was going to use my prototype for their own greed, Reagan and I left the project.”
“Wait,” Illyria interrupted. “You both were on the same project?”
“Yep,” Reagan nodded. “I was the brains behind the tech application and Donnie was the genuis behind the DNA sequencing.”
“Holy shit,” Illyria whispered.
“After we both left the project, we never contacted each other. The government thinks I’m the only one with all the information because it was originally my idea. The fact is that I only know the sequencing part, how to implement a person’s DNA into the tech. The technical stuff is all Reagan.”
“So, even if they get you, they only have half the solution?” Bullseye asked, looking at me then Reagan.
“And what about the other stuff?” Layla asked. “How does all that connect with you?”
“All I know is that my aunt, Sylvia St. James is a part of something calledDivision. From what I heard Gabriel and Lorenzo say, there are people around the world who are trying to take it over. To create a world that serves their needs.”
“Hold up,” Layla said, holding up her hand. “I consider myself a smart woman but what you are describing is a totalitarian regime. The world will not stand for something like that.”
“They won’t be able to do anything to stop it if these people get our tech. Humanity won’t know any difference.” Reagan advised carefully.
“But how? How can they implement it?” Illyria asked.
I looked at Reagan and said, “With a simple shot.”
“And the Original Seven, the others like Bianchi, Capribella?” Layla asked.
“They are all part of it,” Bullseye said, looking directly at me. I didn’t know what he was thinking, but he wasn’t happy. I wasn’t either. I’ve made mistakes, but this one was the biggest by far.
“So, everything is really connected. The trafficking, the current political drama, the wars, the pandemic, the riots and discord around the world, everything?” Illyria asked.
“It’s all the master design of a select group of individuals that want to control the world.” I whispered, ashamed for my part in it. I should have never implemented my idea. I was to blame just as much as the assholes trying to control the world.
“You have my number?”
“Yes Gio. I have every one's number and thank you for the new phone.”