Page 121 of Savage
I wasn’t expecting that.
Taking a harder look at the kid, I asked, “Why?”
“Because this job is shit. I hate dealing with the mayor and the town council. They keep asking about the Skulls.”
“Who does?”
“The new Mayor and the city council.”
“New mayor? What happened to Harold Givens?”
“He died five months ago. Heart attack. I called and told Chains. He said he would tell Reaper.”
“Shit,” I cursed. “Chains is dead. Who’s the new mayor?”
“Some asshat named Adam Worthington III. He’s a real douche man. Walks around like he owns this town. He moved here almost a year ago with his money and he flaunts it. Thinks he’s better than all of us.”
Shit. This wasn’t good. Typically Reaper investigated new residents but with all the shit going down at the club it looked as if the club dropped the ball.
“Okay. I will talk to Reaper about this new mayor. As for you joining the club, your mom insisted after your dad’s death that she doesn’t want you anywhere near us. Have you seriously given this some thought because once you’re in, your in.”?
“Fine. Come by the club later after your shift. I’ll let Reaper know and we can talk then.”
“Thanks man,” the kid smiled.
“Don’t thank me yet. Reaper could say no.”
Jason said nothing more as he walked off heading back to the police station. Looking around the small town I didn’t see anything out of place. It was just a typical Wednesday afternoon.
Heading for the bank, I walked in.
The Purgatory National Bank was small compared to larger cities but it had all the amenities. After filling out some paperwork, I followed the bank manager to the safety deposit vault. I walked around the small metal desk in the center of the room with the key in hand and unlocked the small metal square door. Taking the long rectangular box from its cubby I placed it on the table and looked at it.
I didn’t know why my hands were trembling but they were. Whatever was in this box was from my sister. She said as much from the letter Jess and I found in Florida.
Opening the box I found a manila envelope and a set of car keys. I placed the keys on the table and opened the manila envelope and removed the papers. On top, held only in place with a paper clip, was a handwritten letter.
Dear Lucas,
I am so sorry to ask this of you but you are the only one I could trust. In this envelope you will find custody papers concerning Hailey. Dylan and I are giving her to you.
Only you. Dylan was insistent on this if he survived and I didn’t. I wasn’t happy about it but Dylan was clear that he would be in no shape to raise our daughter. I didn’t fight him on this.
You will also find bank paperwork that will make raising her easier. It’s not much but it should be enough to give her a good life.
Now, here comes the part you really won’t like.
I am asking you to leave the Golden Skulls. Walk away Lucas. Please. If not for me then do it for Hailey. Give her the life she deserves free of the club. Give her the life her father and I wanted for her.
I am sure by now the club has started down a dark path. Trust no one…not even Reaper. This whole mess is only going to get worse. There is too much bad blood in the Golden Skulls to ever make the club right again. What was set in motion all those years ago will only worsen. All the good you are doing now is for nothing. The powers that be will never let the Golden Skulls survive. So, get out while you can. Take my daughter and disappear.
Remember how happy we were as kids Lucas? All the fun and laughter we had. That’s what I want for you and Hailey. To find that again and never let it go.
To help you start your new life, I have a surprise for you. On the key ring is a key to Owen’s Storage. Take my surprise and remember.
I love you big brother.
Carefully setting the letter on the table, I looked at the legal custody documents in my hands. They were legit and signed by my sister and brother-in-law.
Hailey was legally mine.
Thanks to my sister I had just become not only an uncle but a father, friend and provider all at once. Hailey was my responsibility now and forever.
Scanning the documents, I spotted the bank paperwork and whistled at the amount. The last document was a deed for fifty acres in the Smokey Mountains. I was confused. Why would Kitty would buy land in Tennessee? The club had a chapter there, unless it wasn’t Kitty but Dylan. Trying to understand Bullseyes motives would give anyone a migraine. Deciding to think about it later, I gathered all the documents, my sister’s letter and the keys and walked out of the bank.
I didn’t know what I was going to do with this information. Hailey was easy. My niece wasn’t going anywhere but it was the Skulls. The small trickle of doubt my sister put in my head. What did she mean I couldn’t trust Reaper and my brothers? What wasn’t she telling me? What did she know that I didn’t?