Page 31 of Savage
“Everything looks good Remi,” Healer said, removing the latex gloves covering his hands, then dropping them in the biohazard trash bin. “Jess, call in for another prescription of prenatal vitamins and some B-12. Her iron is a little low.”
“Anything else,” I asked, writing everything down in her chart.”
“Nope,” he replied. “Remi, I want to see you every day until you give birth.”
“When is my kid coming, Healer?” Reaper asked, holding his woman’s hand. For a man who not even hours ago looked like Satan himself, he sure portrayed the doting father-to-be perfectly.
Too bad I knew it was all an act.
“Max, shut it,” Remi moaned, trying to sit up. I went to help her up but Reaper was already there, carefully helping her. “Healer, I want this kid out of me. What do I need to do?”
“Remi, you are only one centimeter dilated. The baby is doing well. Your blood pressure is good. Everything is as it should be. The baby will come when it’s ready.”
“Come on Doc. I know there are things I can do to help move this birth along. I’m miserable. I can’t even see my feet!”
Healer smirked but said nothing. When I knew he wasn’t going to offer anything, I spoke up. “There are many things you can do, Remi. Wives-tales mostly but some have worked.”
“I’ll do anything,” the cute blonde woman said, pleading with me.
“Well, there is drinking castor oil, eating spicy food, taking a long walk, and sex.”
Remi growled slapping Reaper’s hand away from her, “Sex is what got me into this mess. I’d rather eat nails.”
“So would I,” Reaper muttered lowly.
“What was that?” Remi shouted, making him jump.
“Nothing baby. Whatever you want to try, we can.”
Rolling my eyes, I left returning her chart to the file on Healer’s desk. Heading for Ink’s room, I grabbed his chart off the wall, quickly going over his latest stats. After checking is saline drip and med bag, I quickly wrote down his vitals and returned the chart to its rightful place. Closing his door quietly, I turned to find Reaper standing there. Remi nowhere in sight.
“How is he?”
“Still the same. Though his blood pressure is better than yesterday. He’s not out of the woods yet. He has another round of antibiotics to get through. Tomorrow we will know more.”
“Has he woken up yet?”
“No. Healer is keeping him sedated to give the antibiotics a chance to work.”
“Thanks,” he said before leaving, only to stop and turn back to me. “Jess, does any of that shit really work?”
“What shit?”
“That crap you said about wives-tales.”
“Depends on the woman. Some work and some don’t.”
“But the sex. Won’t that hurt the baby?”
Coughing, I hid my grin. Shaking my head, I said, “No Reaper. Having sex will not hurt the baby. Certain positions will be uncomfortable for Remi, but it can still be pleasurable for both parties if you take it easy.”
Reaper nodded and left the infirmary, saying nothing more.
After cleaning up and sterilizing the room Remi was just in, I went upstairs, desperately needing a cup of coffee. Working without sleep was for the birds. As tired as I was, I knew as soon as I hit the bed, I wouldn’t wake for hours. Staying up all night in fear of what could happen had taken its toll. I still didn’t know what was going on. Only that the brothers were respectful and not a single one stepped out of line. I was grateful for that at least.