Page 39 of Savage
“It hurts!” Remi screamed, as another contraction seized her. Looking at the monitor, I noted the strength of her contractions as she continued to try to breathe through the bombardment of her body.
“You’re doing good, baby,” Reaper praised, as he stood beside her, holding her hand.
“Get away from me!” Remi shouted, yanking her hand out of his. “Make him go away Jessie.”
Smiling, I turned to her and said. “Can’t do that Remi. Would you like some ice chips?”
“No,” she huffed, as the contraction subsided.
Snapping on a pair of gloves, I grabbed the KY Jelly, putting a small dollop on two of my fingers, I said. “Okay, Remi. Let’s see how dilated you are.”
Remi scooted closer to the end of the bed, opening her legs as she said, “I better be ten centimeters if Reaper knows what’s good for him.”
After a quick examination, I removed the gloves and made some notes in her chart.
“Well?” Reaper asked. “Can she push my kid out now?”
Ignoring Reaper, I addressed my patient. “Remi, you are at four centimeters. It’s going to be a while. If you would like, you can get up and walk around. That will help move the labor along.”
“Only four,” she whined. “Fuck.”
After washing my hands and letting Healer know her status, I headed back upstairs to find myself immediately bombarded with questions.
“Did she have it?”
“Is it a boy or girl?”
“Did Reaper faint?”
“Did she punch him?”
Taking a step back, I held up my hand and shouted over the multitude of voices. “Guys! She is only four centimeters dilated. No, she hasn’t punched Reaper yet and he is still standing on his feet. Look guys, it’s going to be a while. So go do something, beat someone up, anything but leave them alone, okay.”
The men grumbled as they all walked away. The only one left before me was Remi’s sister, Sunny who looked worried. The pretty girl couldn’t be more than seventeen and she was the spitting image of Remi, right down to her golden blonde hair. Walking over to her, I hugged her. “She’s doing fine, sweetheart.”
“I heard her scream.”
“That’s normal. I expect that before the night is through, Remi will be doing a lot more screaming.”
“But she’s okay, right?”
“She’s perfect.”
“And the baby?”
“Eager to meet you.”
The young girl smiled before she walked away. That’s when I noticed Solomon watching her from the shadows. He looked concerned, yet unsure what to do. However, when Chaos walked over and wrapped his arm around her shoulder in a friendly manner, I clearly heard Solomon growl and take a step out of the darkness.
So did the other brothers who all turned around.
Sunny looked over her shoulder towards the corner of the room as Chaos’s arm dropped to his side before stepping away from her. I didn’t want to know what that was all about.
It wasn’t any of my business.
Heading for the kitchen, I started another pot of coffee, knowing it was going to be a long night. Childbirth was never fast, well none that I’d ever seen.