Page 59 of Savage
“Healer went over aftercare with you?”
“Yes. He was very explicit.”
“And you know you can’t pick up the baby until it heals, right?”
“Yes,” she sulked.
“I see that he’s feeding good. Do you have any questions for me?”
“No. Healer was very informative, besides Roxy called earlier. She answered all my questions.”
“Good,” I said, making notes in her chart. Closing it, I turned to leave. “If you need anything, just ask.”
I steeled myself.
What the fuck did he want.
Turning to face the lying fuck, I smiled, “Yes.”
“I need a minute.”
“I’m rather busy this morning. Maybe later.” I countered.
“Now.” He said, getting to his feet.
Remi looked up at that, concern marring her face. Taking a deep breath, I nodded and left the room, knowing he was following. The second he closed the door, I prepared myself for anything he might say.
“We need to talk.”
“About what?”
“Let’s go for a walk.”
I knew it wasn’t a request when he stood his ground waiting for me to move first. Heading upstairs I said nothing as Reaper followed closely behind me, ushering me out the back door. As we continued to walk, I knew where he was taking me. The same place I was headed yesterday when I went looking for Savage. He stepped around me and opened the door, letting me walk past.
The room smelled musky, dank. Coughing, I moved further into the room to find Ghost standing behind Savage. Hanging from his arms from the ceiling, his face taped shut, his head hanging low. Savage had been beaten, badly. But what got my heart racing was the gun pointed at Savage’s head.
“What the fuck is going on!” I shouted, running to Savage, only to be held back by Reaper. When his hand tightened around my arm, I cried out in pain as I tried to break free.
I heard Savage growl.
“What’s going on?” I yelled. “Let go of me. Are you fucking crazy!”
“Sit the fuck down.” Reaper ordered, as he moved me to a chair and forcefully made me sit. “I said we needed to talk. What that means, I will do the talking and you will answer every fucking question truthfully. You lie once and Savage will be punished.”
My eyes locked on Savage who had somehow managed to raise his head. Shaking his head, shouting something incoherent behind the duct tape covering his mouth I didn’t understand what he was trying to say.
My heart was beating so fucking hard. Adrenaline flooded my veins. My head swam with the possibilities of what I did wrong. The fucking problem was I couldn’t think of a damn thing. I did everything that was asked of me. I helped in the infirmary. Tended to the few patients, hell I even watched Reaper’s son so he could get some sleep. Where the fuck did I go wrong?
“Tell me about your tattoo?”
And just like that, I knew I had been played. I should have known he didn’t want me. He wanted what I had on me. I knew he had to have seen it. It was small but it was there, low on my pelvis. He’d have to be blind not to realize what it was.
Turning to Savage, I could see the second he realized I figured it out. His eyes widened as he furiously shook his head. He fought hard to break loose of his binds, even though I could how painful that was. Before Reaper could stop me, I lunged at Savage and punched him hard in the face. “You mother fucker!”
“Whoa!” Reaper grabbed me, kicking and screaming, trying to prevent me from killing Savage. Because if he let me go, I was going to kill him.