Page 74 of Savage
“Impossible,” Phantom spoke up, typing into her computer. “Alexander Goldman died twenty-five years ago the night of Kitty and Solomon’s birth. Several brothers and your pops, Reaper and yours, Savage, all said he was dead. Whoever this guy is, he can’t be Alexander Goldman.”
“A poser?” I commented.
“Possibly,” Phantom muttered.
“Well for a dead man posing, he really looks like Solomon. Right down to the dimple in his chin and Kitty’s blue eyes. I think he was telling the truth. He didn’t want anything to do with the club. He just wanted this Sabastian guy. He seemed real intent on getting him too.”
“Fuck it,” Reaper sighed. “This poser wants Capribella, then I say let him have him. We’ve got bigger fish to fry. When do you leave for the camp?”
“In the morning,” I said, hugging Jess closer to me. She was still recovering from surgery and I wanted to make sure she got a good night’s sleep before I had her trekking through the woods. Though she said she was feeling fine, I just wanted to be sure.
“And what about Toxic?” she asked.
Fuck. I almost forgot about that bastard.
He was still a dead man walking. I had plans for that fucker too. Not only for what he did to Jess’s mom but for his hand in getting my sister killed. Him showing up here out of the blue worried me though. What the fuck was he doing here? He had to know that the club would be keeping an eye out on this place. Especially with all the shit going down, showing his face was a risky move.
“Any idea’s why he would show up at the clubhouse?” Reaper asked the room. When Bones and Saber both shook their head no, Reaper looked at me and added. “I know you want him, Savage. Do what you must but get me that information.”
When the call ended, I took Jess upstairs to one of the rooms. I wanted her to rest before we hit the road again. She looked tired and worn out. This trip was exhausting and hard on anyone who just had major surgery. Yet I had to give it to my woman, she was a trouper. Never complained once unless I touched the damn radio knob.
“I’m not tired Savage,” she muttered, sitting on the bed looking about the room.
“Just for a few hours baby. You need rest.”
“No, I need to find Toxic and turn him into the police.”
Yeah, that wasn’t going to happen because when I got done with Toxic, there would be nothing left of him. In fact, I really liked the idea of turning his traitorous ass into gator food. I was in Florida after all.
“He smiled at me Lucas.”
“Right before you chased him back into the clubhouse. He saw me and smiled. It was creepy almost like he didn’t expect me but seeing me made him happy somehow. I can’t really explain it.”
Sitting next to her, I wrapped my arm around her, hugging her to me. “He’s a dead man walking baby. Don’t worry about him.”
“He killed my mother. How can I not worry?”
“I know baby. Just trust me on this. Toxic’s days are limited.”
“I hate this place. I always have.”
I knew staying in this clubhouse was going to be a stretch for her. I wasn’t raised here like she was but the times I did visit, the clubhouse seemed off somehow. Tainted, evil. So, I knew what she was talking about. “It’s just a clubhouse Jess. Nothing more.” I lied, trying to sooth her concerns.
“Every memory I have of this place is corrupted.”
“Memories are just that. They are in the past, Jess. They can’t hurt you. Was there anywhere around here you felt comfortable?”
“My mom’s house but he ruined that too.”
“No, he didn’t. He can never ruin that. Your mom lived there. Raised you there. Just because one bad thing happened at home doesn’t mean the whole place is bad. You have sixteen years of happy memories there. Come on.”
“Where are we going?”
“I’m taking you home.”