Page 85 of Savage
There wasn’t anything to say.
I fucked up.
He knew it and so did I.
He growled.
“Bullseye.” I gulped, as he placed something in my hand. Holding whatever it was tightly, I cringed when his raspy voice uttered. “Take care of my daughter.”
I nodded, refusing to anger him anymore and when he turned and disappeared back into the surrounding forest, I finally took the breath I was holding. Shaking, I opened my hand to find a brass bullet with my name on it and his and Kitty’s wedding rings. Staring at them, I didn’t hear Sandman approach as the lunatic simply said, “I like that one.”
Looking up at the insane lunatic, I didn’t know what to say. What could I say? Both men were cut from the same cloth. Both killed without feeling. It was nothing for either of them to take a life. I would never know how my sister shared a womb with one and married another. But fuck my life, I was related to both of them.
“I gotta go.”
“Huh,” I said, snapping out of my fear haze I was in. “Reaper is looking for you.”
“Busy.” Sandman said, walking off.
“Where are you going!”
“To find my sunshine.”
“You’re what?” I yelled. But the big crazy mother fucker said nothing as he too disappeared into the forest.