Page 91 of Savage
“Got something for you,” he said, handing me a thumb drive. “Found this in Florida. It’s from Kitty. In the letter she said to give this to you. That only you could figure out the password.”
“Uh, okay,” I whispered, looking at it. It was nothing. Just a simple thumb drive anyone could get at any store. “Anything else?”
“Yeah, about what I mentioned to Reaper about Jess. Anything on that front?”
“Yeah, the dates don’t add up. Toxic wasn’t around when Candy would have gotten pregnant. He was on a run with a few members of the Florida Club down in Mexico. By the time they got back, Candy had to be at least two months pregnant.”
“Which means he wasn’t her father.”
“My thoughts exactly. Things have been kind of crazy around here since you’ve been gone. I haven’t told Reaper yet.”
“Any ideas who her father could be?”
“No one that anyone is going to like but if my hunch is right, Reaper will lose his shit.”
Savage sighed but said nothing more. That was one of the things I liked about Savage. He didn’t pry. Oh, he could be a chatty Cathy when the mood suited him but when it came to club business, he preferred to keep everything on the downlow until Reaper knew all the facts.
“I’ll let you get to work on that,” he said, stepping away. “And Phantom if you ever need to talk. My door is always open.”
“Thanks Savage.”
Closing my door, I walked over to my computers and sat down. I placed the thumb drive into its port and clicked on the drive file. My screen immediately changed to show two machine guns held together by a set of handcuffs with a serpent winding itself around the stocks. It was my hacker logo. The only thing different was my logo had only one gun, this one had two.
“Okay Kitty, what are you saying,” I asked, as I began to type in passcodes. None of which were correct. I spent the next couple of hours wracking my brain with what Kitty could have used as her passcode. Then I realized who I was dealing with. Kitty wasn’t some newbie. She was smart and cunning. She wouldn’t create a passcode unless it meant something and since no one had a fucking clue as to what she was thinking, she would have left a clue. Something to help the user figure it out.
The thumb drive itself was silver.
No marks, no decal, nothing.
So that couldn’t be it.
Then there was the picture on my screen.
My hacker logo with an extra weapon.
The weapon itself was standard military issue. An M-16. The serpent was the same and so were the handcuffs. The only thing different was that there were two weapons.
What the hell was she trying to tell me?
I walked into my room to find Jess asleep on my bed. God, I loved seeing her there. As if she had always been there. This was a sight I was never going to get tired of seeing.
As quietly as possible, I removed all my clothes and slid under the sheets next to her. The trip home had been grueling, yet my woman didn’t complain once. She was a rock, solid as they came. Curling myself around her, I pulled her back against my front and closed my eyes. I just wanted to savor this moment of peace because I knew come morning shit would hit the fan. I still hadn’t told Reaper about what went down at the campground. It was going to be bad enough explaining how Bullseye and Sandman were there but to tell my President that four of our brothers would never be coming home. That Toxic had them killed out of spite wasn’t something I was looking forward to.
I just wanted one night.
A few hours of peace.
That’s all.
I was having a great dream. The kind I used to love having. Those special dreams that got me so damn excited and horny that I’d wake up to find the nearest cut slut to see if I could recreate it. They never bothered me before but I only wanted one woman in my dreams now.
My Jess.
Thank fuck it was her flaming red hair bobbing up and down on my cock in my dreams.