Page 49 of Healing His Mate
Sneering, I unleash the beast within. “You twisted, devious monster.”
“Do not interrupt me, traitor!” I shout. Her mouth snaps shut. “How, Ekoya? H-how could you take him from me?” My anger dissipates unexpectedly, heartbreak taking its place. “I need him, Ekoya. I n-need him.”
“Nalba! You are crying?” she asks, shocked to see the tears. I never cried in front of her. I was the strong one. I had no other choice. Our mother did not want to be a mother, and our father was not around, always off on a hunting trip. “Who do you need, Nalba? What are you saying? I cannot follow.”
“Waldric! Andandand . . . and you just, what? You help him leave me? You fix him up with that sour-faced human and offer a safe haven for them to flee Oluura? What else did you offer? Full use of the castle, so they may fuck in every room?”
“Nalba!” Ekoya yells back. “Shut your obnoxious face for one moment!”
That just makes me angrier.
“You cannot speak to me like this! I am a queen!” she shouts.
A bitter laugh erupts from my throat as I scream, “You are not my queen! You are the same little brat who is scared ofchunvibirds!”
She gasps. “How dare you bring that up in this moment!”
When only the sound of my sobs fills the air, she takes a calming breath and continues, her tone steely.
“You never listen. You are stubborn. And you are the most idiotic genius to have ever existed.”
“Excuse me?”
She nods. “Yes. You heard me correctly. You are an imbecile––a gigantic, unstoppable fool––if you think for one moment that I intentionally took Waldric from you, but more importantly, sister, if you willingly let him go.”
My brain feels as if it is being squashed by one of Waldric’s wooden spoons.
“I had no idea that you held affection for Waldric. You never spoke of him. Not once.” Her voice increases in volume the more she speaks. It is a sign that her anger is growing. “Had I known, do you truly think I would try to sabotage that? Nalba, I have never seen you happy. Not about anything that does not revolve around your inventions. To be honest, I am elated to see you look like such a mess. All over a male. How delightful!”
For a moment, I think she is done speaking, but she proves me wrong. It was a silly assumption to make.
“I assume you know he is a cook? Of course, you do. He is the cook for your clan.” Her tone is steadily getting louder still, but she is also talking faster. “Butwhy, Nalba? Why would you not climb up that male’s body and seat your cunt directly on his mouth?”
I let out a shocked cackle, not expecting such a crass statement from a queen.
“He could be serving you loaves upon loaves of steaming junasii bread wearing nothing but that welcoming smile of his, as you lie in bed.” She stares at me for a long moment, then shakes her head disapprovingly. “What happened? What was it that caused you to destroy your own future with a perfect male like him?”
I do not like the image she created. Defensively, I snap, “Do you not have your own mate to bring you bread? Hmm?”
Ekoya shrugs in defeat. “You do not wish to confide in me? Fine. What a shock that is. When you are ready to speak, you know where to find me.”
The screen goes black.
She disconnected the comm.
That little monk slug disconnected the comm before I could respond. What a brat! If the pain of her death were not so fresh in my mind, I would kill her myself.
My anger dries my tears and gives me a sense of purpose. I know what to do now. And I will not fail.
Slamming the door shut behind me, I march to the food hall in search of answers. I spot Krahn, Waldric’s assistant cook, but he appears to be busy serving the long line of people in front of him.
“Hey, Nalba.” I turn toward the voice and find Elle-noor standing in front of me with her tiny arms crossed. “You’re a real asshole, you know that?”
“Pardon, little human? What did you say?”
“Do you have any idea how much Waldric adores you?”