Page 55 of Healing His Mate
No,she sends back.That I needed to be thrown into a tree and hit my head on a rock to truly open my eyes.
Mmm. Quite a violent and dramatic way to change your way of thinking,I tell her.Have you always been so stubborn?
You know I have,she sends back with a chuckle.
I do indeed.
She pulls herself up until our lips are almost touching. Then she whispers, “Good thing you are the smart one.”
Ascent fills my nose, pulling me from a deep, restful slumber. I flare my nostrils, trying to determine the source of the sweet, rich fragrance.
O fah! I was hoping to surprise you,Waldric sends. A moment later, the door to our room is thrown open. In his hands, he carries two plates piled high with what looks to be a variety of baked sweets.
Yes, you are correct,he replies. I have not entirely gotten used to having someone else in my head, but his instinctual kindness has provided a much-needed shift in tone. He is much nicer than the voice inside my head, whether it is my own or Yignnuf’s. At the thought of my former mentor, I feel Waldric’s anger flare.That decrepit waste of skin. If the virus had not taken him, I would have been honored to stop his heart.
Well, he is much nicermostof the time.
Did you make these?I ask, eager to change the subject. He hands me my plate, and I quickly take a bite of the biggest item on top of the pile.
No,he replies.These were baked by our new clan members, Jahto and Denya. Well, soon-to-be clan members, I should say.I am still trying to determine their strengths before we bring them back to Oluura. I think Denya will do well with meats, and Jahto seems to be keen on stews. But they both enjoy sweets, which the humans will certainly appreciate.
My fangs sink into a thick top layer of hardenedmuuhn, and I moan at the familiar, decadent taste.
Good, yes?he asks. When I nod enthusiastically, he adds,The muuhn seems to match the description Ann-ah gave of a human food called fraws-ting, which she was very eager to start adding to her space muh-finns.
Waldric and I share our thoughts on each baked treat as we lounge in bed. He tells me more about Jahto and Denya, the different cooking tests he has given them over the last two days, and how thrilled they both seem to be joining our clan.
Once our plates are clean, Waldric takes my hand and pulls me out of bed. I whine in protest, but he guides me to the large window in our room overlooking Oovahr City. I forget my disappointment altogether and sigh at the view.
I cannot believe this is all hers. Ekoya. Queen of Trovilia. It is still so strange to me,I send.
I do not disagree,he replies with a wave of fondness and amusement.She was always such a fearless little thing. I suppose that is part of what makes her a good ruler.
The comments from the council meeting I snuck into last eve rise to the surface, filling me with dread.Not everyone thinks she is a good ruler. The continued assassination attempts worry me. I know her crew is made up of newly recruited warriors, and the misogynistic troublemakers who served the king are gone, but . . .
It will not come to that,Waldric interrupts my thoughts with the unwavering confidence he has in Cruvo, Ekoya’s mate.He will not let any harm come to her.
“Morrivikka, sister!”Ekoya hollers as she enters the room. Cruvo follows closely behind, brushing his maroon mane––the signature color of all Hexrins––out of his eyes. It is cropped on both sides of his head, and long on top. It makes his pointy ears and many piercings that much more prominent.
Speaking of,I send to Waldric.
He sends me an image of Ekoya and Cruvo rubbing their noses against each other as if no one was looking during final meal yesterday, where we celebrated the finalization of the peace treaty between Trovilia and D’Alluk.
I was not prepared to find them so utterly adorable, but their love is impossible to discount or deny. Not that I am putting effort into either anymore. My resentment toward Cruvo from when he and Ekoya were newly mated was nothing more than misdirected jealousy. I missed my sister, and he got her all to himself.
But then we thought she died. We both grieved, separately, but eternally linked by that agonizing loss. He went on to risk his life in an attempt to save hers. He was successful in that. Now she is queen, and he is happy to stand at her side, giving her the space and support to rule a planet while he uses his powers to keep her safe from harm.
Cruvo is family,Waldric adds.I am delighted to have a brother.
I had never thought of Cruvo as my brother. I suppose that is another glaring truth that I could not see.
Waldric leans down and kisses my temple.You see it now. That is all that matters.