Page 12 of Keeping His Mate
“Nothing,” he answers quickly. “You are still anticipating a counterattack from that brothel slug?”
“Yes. There will be something. We just do not know when.”
He nods as he scratches his chin. “I shall keep a watch on this and will alert you should I find anything.”
“Get some sleep. You look terrible,” he jeers.
I respond with a fake chuckle, and he smiles just before the comm is disconnected.
I continue to look through perimeter logs, saving them to the appropriate folders and manually checking that each system is current long after the communication with Nee-roh ends. While we may have been adversaries not long ago, Nee-roh and I have since developed a comfortable alliance. I care for Kay-teh, but only as a member of the clan, and a close friend. And he keeps her happy and safe. As long as that continues, he is part of our clan too.
As my vision starts to get fuzzy, I realize I must rest. It seems I have completed enough tasks that my mind is ready to sleep. I climb to the third floor of my home and collapse onto my wide, heavily cushioned bed. Hauling my tired body beneath a layer of furs, I turn onto my stomach, resting my head on its side, so I may peer out the window into the trees.
I am drifting into a deep sleep when a horrifying, strangled bellow echoes through the forest.
What in the galactic fuck is that noise? Did I imagine it? Was it part of a nightmare?
Just as I turn onto my side in an attempt to go back to sleep, I hear it again––the strangely high-pitched shriek of a creature clearly in pain.
An animal.
A tr’gory? Possibly.
A creature I can help? Definitely.
I peek out the window of Ahlvo’s old room, and I see lights turning on in neighboring houses as the rest of the clan grows as curious as I am.
Grabbing the top fur blanket from the bed and wrapping it around my shoulders, I rush downstairs into Kaiva’s med room, wiggle into my boots by the door, and head out into the night. I’m met with sleepy faces and wide, worried eyes as the clan gathers on the main path. The moment I see Chloe, I rush to her side.
“Chloe, hey! Any idea what that was?” I ask as more clan members spill from their homes and huddle around us.
“No clue,” she replies, shaking her head as she looks around. “I’ve never heard anything like that before. Varrek hasn’t either, apparently.”
It didn’t sound like a fight between two animals. More like a dying creature, suffering alone. Or maybe it was attacked or giving birth. I don’t know. But I can’t just stand here and do nothing. “It sounded like an animal in pain. Which direction did it come from?”
“Hold on,” Chloe says, holding up a finger. Then her eyes go unfocused for a moment like she’s on a phone call without a phone.
Varrek makes his way through the crowd and arrives at her side. “We think it came from there,” he answers as he gestures toward the direction of the falls.
“Wait, how did–what did you–” I mumble, looking between them.
“Oh,” Chloe says with a laugh. “Because we’re mated, we can communicate telepathically.”
“Wow. Okay then.” This place gets more fascinating by the second. Speaking of mates, I lean in close to Chloe’s ear so I can ask a question that’s been on my mind all day. “Um, I’m not expected to become someone’s little alien wifey right this second, am I?”
“Oh no!” she whispers back. “I mean, if you find someone you’re interested in, by all means, pursue it, but no one is expecting you to lock down a mate and start pushing out babies.”
I nod, feeling relieved. “Cool. Cool.”
Her eyes search my face, as if she’s looking for some sign of… a lie, maybe? I’m not sure. “What?”
Chloe chuckles, waving a dismissive hand. “Nothing! I just wasn’t sure if there was anyone you had your eye on. Male,” then she pauses, “or female?”