Page 62 of Her Alien Neighbor
Could she really have predicted this entire thing? Me falling for Axil. It doesn’t seem possible unless she was a witch. “Were you a witch?” I ask aloud once I get back inside. Then I kick off my shoes and rip open the envelope. “WHY” is written across the top.
My Dearest Vanessa,
I’m afraid we have reached the end of our journey together. It has been such a delightful journey too. Wouldn’t you agree?
I feel myself nodding in response.
Now, back to the business at hand. You’ll notice I followed the format of Who, What, When, Where, and Why, and though the ones in the middle were out of order, I chose to feature the Why as the conclusion of this treasure hunt.
So, my dear, why? Why did I do all of this? Why did I arrange for you to turn my house upside down in order to find money I had been saving for repairs I simply did not have time to complete?
Perhaps it’s because I adore a spectacle. Perhaps I was concerned Heaven would be a bore and wanted to secure a bit of afterlife entertainment for myself. Would that be such a terrible thing?
Nope, and I would expect nothing less.
Or perhaps…it is because I have watched you struggle from afar for too long. We did not have to be in constant contact for me to know you were unhappy. Youareunhappy.
Tears sting my eyes. My head is shaking no, but if she were wrong, would I be crying?
I have seen you happy, and I have seen you unhappy. I know the difference, and you are unhappy with your life in its current state. That is easily remedied, however.
Oh yeah, Aunt Franny? Let me guess, I can just move back here?
You simply need to decide that you will no longer settle for less than you deserve. Let me be clear, I am not implying that any sort of deeper melancholy can be cured by making a single decision. I am not a doctor, and there are medications to handle such things.
Thank you, Lexapro.
However, I have watched you face rejection after rejection to land parts that are not even worthy of the talent you possess. I have watched you struggle to afford your rent payments, and I am aware of how often you eat pasta for dinner in order to maintain a strict budget.
How the fuck did she find out about that?
(Blame that mother of yours. Her social media page is a mess of conspiracy theories and gossip about you and Willa.)
Well, now I need to add “Call Mom and tell her to cut the shit” to my seemingly endless to-do list.
I am giving you a way out of that life, Vanessa. You could sell this house, return to L.A., and continue on as you have, should you so choose. I promise not to haunt you over that choice. You could also stay here and see what lies ahead in a place that has changed a great deal since the last time you were here.
Really? Seems pretty much the same to me. Trevor still acts like he owns the town.
If only for the four strapping young men who now live next door. You can’t tell me you haven’t enjoyed their company. Or, specifically, the company of just one of them?
Yup, definitely a witch.
Do not give me too much credit, my dear. This was not the elaborate, mystical scheme you think it to be. I spent enough time with Axil to know him well. He became my dear friend, and in that friendship, I discovered a man who truly seemed worthy of getting to know my favorite person in the world: you. The two of you make sense together. At least in my head.
Man, she’s good.
Of course, there is a chance that, by the time you read this, you still have not met Axil at all, or you did meet him, and you hated him. Or maybe you figured out you are better suited for Mylo or Zev. Not Kyan. I’m certain you and Kyan would be awful together.
A loud cackle escapes me at the idea of me with Kyan. Absolutely not.
In any case, my final wish is not that you end up with Axil, or anyone else. It’s not even that you keep the house and remain in Sudbury. All that I ask is that you consider it. Ask yourself if you truly are happy in L.A., and if you’re not, what will you do to change that?
The tears return, and this time, they fall as soon as they form.
I want happiness for you, my dear. That is all.
The words begin to smudge as my tears land on the paper. I have to hold the letter up so I can keep reading. Though, with everything blurred, it’s not easy.