Page 4 of Enchanting Her Mate
“When the shadow of the unknown chills you to the bone, stand strong. The fire in your heart will forever keep you warm.”
I feel the goose bumps fade from Jo’s bare skin at my words. Her body loosens as I hold her, and her hands end up splayed on my lower back. I briefly wonder how she could possibly still be cold when my skin feels like it is on fire.
She pulls back enough to look me in the eye. “That was beautiful. What is it from?”
I am confused. “You understand Sufoian?”
“Of course,” she says plainly.
“It is, uh,” I stammer, still shocked she knows the language of my home planet. “It is from a book.” My mind wanders as I envision a female draxilio leaning down to the height of her child and uttering those words in a soft voice. “The phrase always made me happy. I sometimes wished I could feel fear, just to have it said to me.”
Jo’s big gold eyes swirl with…something I do not recognize.
“You deserved to hear such comforting words,” she finally says. “I am sorry you did not.”
Pity. It was pity.
That is not what I want my soon-to-be lover’s eyes to hold. This scheme is going terribly thus far.
“Yes, well,” I say, releasing her from my grasp. “We should go check on Mek, yes?” I gesture for her to follow me as we enter the tunnel. “Apologies that it is so very dark in here. I must add a light of some kind.”
Despite my apology, I see fairly well in the dark. Though, when a long, blackvinepusslithers across the toe of Jobaki’s boot and she screams, it becomes abundantly clear to me that she cannot see as well as I.
“Do not worry,” I tell her, placing a hand on her forearm. “It is merely a vinepus. They are not friendly, but they are also not vicious.”
“I suppose that is good,” she whispers, grabbing my hand and lacing her fingers through mine.
My skin tingles at the contact as a smile tugs at the corners of my lips. We walk the rest of the way through the tunnel like this, and I struggle to resist the urge to back her against the stone wall of the tunnel and kiss all over her neck and chest. I have spent far too many nights wondering what her skin tastes like, what her nipples look like, and what kind of sounds she would make as I pleasure her.
She will not be able to resist you!my draxilio adds.You are magnificent!
But I cannot lose control now. Not before we make it to my cottage. I want my first kiss with Jobaki to be in the light, so she can see how deeply I desire her.
“Ah, at last,” she says with a relieved sigh as we step onto the narrow dirt path that shall take us the rest of the way.
I guide her around to the front of my cottage and smile the moment the lime green pebbles that fill my walkway come into view. “We are home,” I tell her as I slide the heavy brown front door to the side.
“My,” she says, letting go of my hand as hers flies to her mouth. “Oh, my.” She looks around my home in wonder. “It is so spacious and lovely.”
Mek’s prickly chirp sounds from down the hall. He has been asleep in the spare bedroom, I am sure, and is not pleased with the late-night interruption to his slumber.
“Oh, hello,” Jo says sweetly as Mek darts around the main room, his red-feathered wings slicing through the air as he dips and turns. When his three eyes land on Jo, he pivots quickly and flies toward her, crashing right into the side of her head. She falls to the ground, eyes closed.
My draxilio gasps at the same time I do.That is not good! Mek has ruined the mood!
“Mek!” I shout as he shakes his tiny bird head and flies back down the hall.
I crouch over Jo’s unconscious body, leaning next to her lips to ensure she is still breathing. She is, and her heartbeat remains strong, which is a massive relief, but this is not the smooth courtship I envisioned. Not at all.
Iwake to the feel of something cold and wet on my forehead and the soft murmurs of Alu’s voice promising me all will be well. My eyelids flutter open, and I find myself on a deep, circular couch the color of hot embers.
“Ah, you awaken,” Alu says, her smile wide despite the tightness of her features. “Good. This is very good.”
She gives me space to sit up, and as soon as I do, the room spins.