Page 7 of Enchanting Her Mate
Jo tastes better than her scent, which I was not expecting because her scent is magnificent. Her arousal scent is crisp and floral, and yet her taste is rich and sweet, and somehow warm. I did not know warm had a taste, but that is the word that comes to mind as I run my tongue along the seam of her pouty lips. Her mouth is small, but her lips are full and shaped like a heart when she smiles with her mouth closed. It is my favorite of her smiles. She has many, as I have learned over our short time together, and I like that one best.
She moans softly as my fingers tangle in her short spiky hair. Just a hint of a sound, barely audible, but enough to let me know she is in this just as much as I am. I feel the rough tip of her small tongue rub against my lips, and heat floods my core as I let her in. Jo’s hands start as clenched fists in her lap, but eventually I feel one of them rest lightly on my shoulder while the other cups my cheek. Such a tender touch from such a powerful little witch.
It is clear she is nervous, but there is no reason for her to be. What Jo lacks in proficiency, she makes up for in intensity. The heat of her body pulls me in, making me dizzy with need. Her small hands grip me tighter, and I feel myself getting wetter by the moment. It is a frantic, chaotic desire that has me on the verge of tearing her beautiful dress to shreds while also respecting her need to go slowly. I wish to savor her taste for as long as she will let me.
Move her onto her back!my draxilio urges.Shove your tongue between her thighs!
It has been manysoliqssince my body felt release without the use of devices or my hand, so my draxilio is quite eager for me to move things along with Jo. But for the first time in I cannot remember how long, I do not follow her command. I am far too focused on Jo’s needs, and how to make her feel good.
Besides, this rush of emotions and this strange inkling to be patient with Jo is merely due to the length of time I have longed to seduce her. That is all. I shall go slowly, for now, because that is what she needs. But eventually, we will have sex, and my desire for her will wane as it has with everyone else once my needs are met. In the meantime, we will have a joyous time exploring each other’s bodies.
According to our handlers, mates do not exist for us podlings. Niro has proven this to be inaccurate upon finding Kate, but he could be the lucky one among us. I am not counting on the rest of us finding mates.
When I suck on the tip of her tongue, Jo lets out a breathy little whimper that I wish I could capture in a jar and listen to it whenever I desire. I am certain it is a sound I shall never forget.
Her body trembles against me, then she suddenly jerks back with wide eyes. We apologize at the same time, then chuckle at our timing.
I decide to go first with my explanation for the apology. “I did not ask first if I may kiss you. For that, I am sorry, Jo.”
“It is all right,” Jo replies, shaking her head as if my apology was silly and unnecessary. “I am sorry that the kiss was not good. I…” she trails off. “I had not done that before.”
“Ever?” I ask, astonished, mostly because the kiss was better than good. It was sensational. But I am also shocked because how has no one ever kissed this radiant pixie before? Is everyone on Trovilia a complete and utter fool?
Go to Trovilia!my draxilio shouts.Ask them! Ask them why they did not notice this lovely creature!
She seems to have forgotten the device our handlers attached to our hearts before sending us here from Sufoi. The device that will cause our hearts to stop the moment we breach Oluura’s atmosphere, killing us instantly.
I have not forgotten! It would be a worthy sacrifice!
No,I send back.No, it would not.
“I do not understand. You have never been with another?” I ask Jo.
She tilts her head back as she thinks, a nervous gesture that I find adorable. “Well, I have had female pleasure mates before, although the last time I was with a female was centuries ago. Kissing was just never part of it.”
I find this somewhat odd, but perhaps kissing for their kind is a new thing. I did not realize their race lived such long lives, and I certainly had not considered that Jo was older than me. Natural-born draxilios live seven hundred years, at least, and genetically modified draxilios live even longer. I had assumed we were the oldest race in the universe. Plus, the other members of the clan seem much younger than Jo. “What is the average age of a Trovilian?”
“Most Trovilians live past two centuries. Hexrins, though, live much longer. I am past my fifth century.”
A gasp escapes me. “Truly? I am not even three hundred yet.”
She giggles shyly, her small hand covering her mouth.
The intensity of my feelings paired with the revelation that Jo had never been kissed before has left me feeling unsettled. And the shouts from my draxilio do not help either. It is probably why the next words out of my mouth are: “Mek was not possessed. It was a fabrication to bring you here and seduce you.”
Isuppose I should be angry at Alu for lying about Mek’s condition. While I am certainly not pleased to learn I have been tricked into coming to her cottage, anger is not one of the emotions I feel. There is frustration, there is also amusement, and most importantly, there is relief.
Truthfully, I would not know where to begin in order to free an ancient spirit from a jungle bird, so I am glad that is not a task I shall have to complete. There is a ritual I have done to free spirits from Trovilians, but never animals. The relief is also tied to how comfortable I feel here compared to Kayt and Nee-roh’s caves. There is more space to practice my magic, and while I adore Kayt, it seemed as if she felt the need to constantly entertain me, which I found to be exhausting.
There is one question, however, I simply must ask. “Did you think I would decline an invitation to stay with you?”
Alu remains silent for a moment as she ponders this. “I suppose I did. Or, rather, I did not know how to tell you I wished to seduce you, other than saying the words in that very order.” Her chin dips. “I have been told my boldness makes others uncomfortable.”