Page 47 of Wandering Souls
“Meh.” Mia raised her shoulders and pulled a face, as if it was nothing out of the ordinary for the federal Minister for Home Affairs to visit the country’s defense personnel. That only applied to deployed troops. It rarely happened on home soil. “My father is a sneaky man. I suspect he pilfered one of our prototypes and somehow made sure you saw it. I should be sorry, but honestly, I’m really not.”
Her candor was refreshing. If there was one thing Abi was done with, it was beating around the bush. Straight-talkers earned her respect. Mia leaned across and set a gentle hand on her arm.
“I know all of this has been very confronting for you, Abi, and you might not agree with me yet, but you are right where you’re meant to be.”
The jury’s still out on that one.
Abi took another bite of her toastie and washed it down with some cola. The temperature around her dropped a little as the afternoon shadows lengthened. There were still some finishing touches to make to the paintwork, and she wanted to resume shortly, but when Hollywood returned, he insisted she take a break and finish tomorrow.
She watched him help his fiancé to her feet. Arm in arm, they strolled across the meadow to their home, sharing what she thought to be easy conversation. The way he gazed at Mia with eyes full of love was beautiful and she found herself a trifle envious of their closeness.
Relationships had always been fraught with emotional danger for Abi. Getting too close usually wound up with her getting hurt. People had a habit of leaving right when she needed them and she hated saying goodbye. But she’d have to do it again, wouldn’t she? Come the end of January, she’d have to leave Wills Crossing and return to the base. She’d have to farewell Hollywood and Mia, Colt and Magnus, Damien...
...and Ray.
Her heart leapt in her chest at the prospect.Say goodbye to Ray?She didn’t want to imagine it but there was no way around it. Wills Crossing wasn’t her home and her stay was temporary. The depressing thought pushed her up from the wicker seat and she stepped out into the fading afternoon light. Abi followed the gravel drive toward her cottage, all the while fighting the tightness in her throat.
Don’t be ridiculous.
She hardly knew any of them, really. Kind as they were, they weren’t responsible for her and they didn’t owe her anything. Which made their thoughtfulness all the more amazing. Abi sighed as she walked through the cool air, wishing she didn’t feel the need to look to strangers for friendship or validation but in truth, who else was there?
Her superiors?
She snorted.So many friends, Abi.
Lifting a hand, she touched her fingers to the locket and considered what Margery would think of her. Alone and lonely; Margery wouldn’t have wanted that. If her mother were still alive, she’d encourage Abi to connect with Damien, Penny and Stevie. As for Ray... a smile spread across her face and her cheeks warmed. Her mother would have probably tried to set them up on a proper date.
She rounded the bend and came to the front of her cottage. A familiar little red sportscar parked out front greeted her. A softwoofwelcomed her and she turned to see them sitting on the veranda, waiting. For her.
Ray smiled and stood. “Hey.” He motioned to the takeout bags. “I brought dinner. Are you hungry?”
“That depends.” She returned his smile and closed the distance. “What’s for dinner?”
As she neared, he stepped toward her and held out a hand. Abi relished the contact and blinked in surprise when he lifted her hand to kiss the back of her knuckles.
“You eat Chinese cuisine, right?”
Her mouth watered. “I do. This is very thoughtful. Thank you.”
He chuckled and shook his head. “It’s completely self-serving. I didn’t want to eat alone.”
Staring up into his eyes, she found that hard to believe. His laughter died down and she thought she saw nervousness in his expression. Abi pressed her hand to his chest. His gaze dropped to focus on it. Under her palm, his heart galloped wildly. “Why are you here, Ray?”
He swallowed, his long throat bobbing with the action. “I really didn’t want to eat alone.”
“You could have gone to the pub, or a restaurant.”
He stepped closer. “True, but you’re here, not at the pub or a restaurant.”
Oh.It seemed silly to be nervous, considering they’d already had two breakfast dates and dinner together last night, but suddenly she was. Drawn to the hint of uncertainty in his voice, Abi shuffled forward until her hand was trapped between his chest and hers.
“Abi.” His head dipped, his lips coming dangerously close. A sigh rode out on a breath as he crossed the gap. His mouth on hers was soft and tentative, and his hand cupped her cheek with such sweet tenderness she tilted her head and leaned in to deepen the kiss.
His pupils dilated and he pulled back, breaking their contact. His gaze searched hers, his desire for permission as clear as day. With a tiny nod, Abi lifted to her tiptoes and kissed him. Her brain wanted to analyze and dissect but she shut it down to enjoy the intimacy of the moment. She couldn’t remember the last time anyone kissed her and this was...her eyes drifted shut...delightful.