Page 86 of Wandering Souls
Abi shook her head. “Who are you looking for, honey?”
The kid rubbed tired eyes, taking off some of her thick, pale makeup to reveal blotchy red patches of skin. “My uncle, Ray Wells. I thought he lived here.”
Abi took a step closer. “He does but he’s at work right now. Was he expecting you?”
She fidgeted nervously. “Um, no.”
Giving Bruce a bit of lead, Abi nudged him toward the teen. “Don’t worry, he won’t bite. Would you hold onto him for a moment while I call your uncle?”
Bruce licked the hand tentatively held out toward him. “He’s going to be so mad with me.”
She nodded and crouched to pat Bruce. “My mum is going to kill me.”
Abi moved closer again. “Does she know where you are?”
She shook her head, her long hair falling forward to hide some of her pretty face. Underneath all that makeup, Abi thought she saw a strong resemblance to Ray. “We had a fight.”
“What’s your name?”
Abi glanced at the backpack. It looked as if it contained barely a change of clothes and she wondered how the kid had managed to find her way to Wills Crossing all the way from Melbourne. It wasn’t an easy place to get to by public transport.
“Millie, I’m going to call your uncle, okay?”
She shrugged but Abi saw the want in her eyes.
Turning away, she pulled out her phone and hit speed dial. Ray picked up on the first ring.
She smiled at the sound of his voice. So deep and comforting. “Sorry to interrupt you at work, but I found something on your doorstep.”
“A parcel?”
She glanced over her shoulder to see Millie burying her face in Bruce’s fur. “Of sorts. Has your sister called?”
He sighed. “No. Abi, what is it?”
Watching the dog soothe the wayward teen, Abi decided to not beat around the bush. “Your niece is here.”
“Millie?” Surprise colored his voice.
“And I suspect she’s done a runner. She had a fight with her mum.”
“Oh, man. I’ve been meaning to call. Is she okay?”
“She’s upset, but physically unharmed. Bruce is comforting her.”
To her surprise, Ray chuckled. “That’s my boy.” His laughter died away. “Unfortunately, I’m on my way to make an arrest. I can’t get there for a while yet.”
“That’s okay. I’ll take care of her until you get here.”
“I might be an hour. Maybe bring her here. She can wait with Nancy.”
Abi eyed the kid and wondered if she’d follow her to the police station. “I’ll see what I can do. I’ll keep you posted.”