Page 182 of White Lies
Sara appears in the doorway, looking adorable in jeans and Keds. “Well?” she asks, claiming the visitor’s chair in front of my desk. “How was the show?”
“Amazing. The Forum picks one up-and-comer to watch every year, and they chose me.”
“Oh my God. Woohoo! I’m so excited for you. You said nothing of this when you sent me photos this weekend.”
“It just didn’t feel real,” I say. “It’s a bit surreal.”
“Of course it is. Are you still riding the high?”
“In a big way, and even after I fired my agent.”
“You fired your agent?”
“Yes. And it was past due. He’s my ex’s agent, and it just got sticky.” I set the stack of cards on my desk. “And I have all these people wanting to buy work or book me for events. I’m going to start a hunt today.”
“Let Chris help.”
“No. No, I don’t want to intrude or seem like I’m using you or him for my own benefit.”
“I’ll call my agent,” Chris says, appearing in the doorway in a brown Harley shirt after clearly hearing our conversation. “If he can’t take you on, he’ll help you find the right match.”
“You don’t have to do that,” I say quickly.
“Why the hell not?” he asks. “You wouldn’t be here if we didn’t believe in you.”
Sara twists around in her chair to look at him. “She won the Forum’s up-and-comer award.”
“Not a surprise to me at all,” Chris says, pulling his phone from the pocket of his jeans and punching in a number. “Gabe,” he says. “Yeah, man. I have a new artist for you. I’m behind her. We’re trying to convince her to work here at Allure with us. She’s helping us launch, and she’s on display here. Yes. Call her here.”
Sara holds up a hand, and when Chris offers her his attention, she points to the stack of cards. “All offers she needs managed.”
Chris gives an incline of his chin. “She comes with offers from an event she just did. A stack of them she needs managed.” He listens a moment. “I’ll tell her.” Chris ends the call. “He’s headed into a meeting. He’s going to call you this afternoon, but he’s on board.”
“That’s incredible of you,” I say. “Thank you. I…hate to seem unappreciative, but I’ve been through Macom being Josh’s star. I don’t want Gabe to sign me because of you.”
“A valid concern,” Chris says, “but that’s not Gabe’s style. He’s got a mind of his own and balls the size of Texas. You’ll like his balls, I promise.”
We all laugh, and Chris glances at his watch. “I need to head to a meeting.” Sara pushes to her feet and hurries to Chris, kissing him before he departs. I smile because I have a lot to smile about, and I sign the offer letter. And when Sara turns to face me again, I hold it up. “I’ll get to work on your things-to-do list, boss.”
Now Sara is smiling. “You’re staying.”
“Yes. And I’m thrilled to be here.”
We chat a few minutes, and she leaves me to my work. About an hour later, I receive a call from Gabe. Fifteen minutes later, I send him samples of my work. Another fifteen minutes later, and I have a new agent. I’m dying to call Nick, but he’s in those intense negotiations. I could text, but that is a distraction he doesn’t need as well. Sara and I celebrate by walking to the coffee shop, and we return with white mochas and chocolate chip bagels. Nick sends me a text at noon:Hell here. I’m going to be silent and late tonight. You okay?
My reply is simple:I’m great. You focus on your negotiations.
He doesn’t respond, which tells me hell is real for him right now. I consider all the ways I can ease the stress when he gets home tonight.
Our home.
I revel in those words.
It’s nearly six, and Sara has just left the gallery. I’m finishing some paperwork before I leave as well. I file away the documents I’ve just finished, and I’m reaching for my purse when my phone buzzes with a text. I glance at the message to find Bill is the sender.