Page 28 of Absinthe Minded
“I told you it would be a long one. Asked if you wanted me to take her to my folks.”
“I know, and I appreciate it. Still, a phone call would have been nice.”
“Any more rules?”
“Don’t bring women here.” I regretted it as soon as I’d said it.
The humor faded from his eyes. “Got it.”
I’d crossed a line. He was a player, but he knew better than to bring the game near the kids. “Now that’s settled, can I get you some breakfast?”
I used food like an olive branch. Hopefully, an omelet would make him forget all about my crankiness.
“No, I’m good.” Gabe held the coffee cup with two hands with his shoulder slumped forward as if trying to garner every ounce of warmth from the mug.
I moved closer. “The sitter’s coming tonight. I made plans last week.”
“I’m off tonight. I can watch the kids, unless you’re worried I’ll corrupt them. You know, cookies for dinner with chasers from the carton.”
“Are you sure you’ll be up for it? You look rough.” I set my hand on his forehead.
He pulled away. “I’ll be fine once I get some sleep.”
“Sorry. I’ll try to keep it down in the mornings until you get into a normal routine.”
“Going on another internet date?”
“Girls’ night with Shanna, if you must know." I refilled his coffee.
“Thanks.” He hunched over his cup again. “Like I said, I can handle the kids.”
“I’ll cancel the sitter.” I left to put the vacuum away. Try as I might, I couldn’t figure out why I let him get under my skin. Then again, I’d become rather adept at lying to myself.
I wandered into my room for a moment’s peace and to get as far away from him as possible. As soon as I sat, the doorbell rang, the dog started barking, and the kids came down the stairs like a herd of elephants. By the time I’d returned to the front room, Chloe had opened the door and had ushered my mother into the house.
“Mimi!” Ryan launched himself at his grandmother.
“Mom?” Wondering where Gabe had gone, I glanced toward the kitchen.
No matter how temporary the situation, or the circumstances, my mother would not approve of me shacking up with a man.
She hugged the kids and gave the dog a quick pat, all while surveying the house. By the time she got to me, her smile had faded. She smoothed her designer jacket and patted her perfectly coifed hair. “Mary Margaret.”
My heart sank along with my mother’s smile. The house was as clean as it was ever going to be, but it would never be enough—Iwould never be enough.
“So good to see you.” I gave her a half hug and locked eyes with Gabe, who’d chosen that moment to step into the room.
“Who’re you?” My mother tilted her head as if trying to place the face.
I’d managed to keep my previous relationship with Gabe from my mom, mostly because she never asked. However, shehadmet Gabe at least twice, once at Rebecca’s wedding and again at her funeral. Both occasions had been emotional days for all involved, but I’d bet my right arm my mother had recognized him.
“This is my uncle, Gabe. He lives with us now.” Chloe took Gabe’s hand. The little girl beamed. “Uncle Gabe, this is my Mimi. Her real name is Nadine.”
I prayed to God for a lightning bolt to strike me dead.This cannot be happening.
He cleared his throat. “Nadine, nice to see you again.”
She paled beneath her expertly applied makeup.