Page 55 of Absinthe Minded
As much as I hated to leave her, I had shit to do. I eased out of bed doing my damnedest not to wake her, and grabbed my jeans.
Still buttoning my fly, I stepped into the hall and ran into Zach. The kid was thirteen. He had to know what happened behind closed doors.
“Morning.” I ran my hand over the back of my neck.
Zach coughed. “Yeah. Um. I need some cash for lunch.”
I went into my room, pulled two twenties from my wallet, and handed them to the kid.
“That’s enough for a month.” Zach gaped at the cash.
“Keep it. Take your girl out for ice cream after school.” I’d bribed the kid into silence, so what?
“She’s pretty great, huh?” Zach grinned.
“You tell me, I haven’t met her.”
He shook his head, seeming to enjoy having the upper hand. “No, I mean Maggie. She’s great.”
“Oh, yeah. She’s something special.”
Zach’s expression hardened. “Look, you hurt her and I’ll hurt you. I might be a kid and it might take years, but Iwillmake you suffer.”
“I don’t intend to hurt her.” I clamped a hand on Zach’s boney shoulder. “Men take care of their women. Do you look after your sister like you look after Maggie?”
Zach shrugged. “I punched the kid down the street for making Chloe wreck her bike, but Maggie grounded me for a week.”
“Women don’t understand these things. Besides, a week in your room with your Xbox and computer? Big deal.”
“No man, she took all of it out, even the television.”
I chuckled. “Harsh, but your sister’s worth it.”
He nodded and followed me into the kitchen. “I’m glad you’re here.”
“Me too.” Inspiration struck me at the oddest times. I had an idea, a good one, but I’d need his help. “What do you think about playing a guitar accompaniment while your sister dances?”
“Depends. I can’t exactly pull off Swan Lake on a six string.”
“I’m thinking Clapton at the Mardi Gras Gala. I’ll sing and play rhythm.”
The kid’s eyes widened for a split second before he slipped back into teenaged indifference. “Yeah, that could work.”
“Cool. We’ll need to start working on the piece.” I rummaged through the pantry. “I’m never up this early. What does she feed you guys for breakfast?”
“Ryan and Chloe eat oatmeal, or eggs and toast. Maggie makes them eat fruit too.”
The doorbell rang. The damned dog barked and hauled ass to the foyer and the window and back again.
With one hand on Cocoa’s collar, I opened the door and let Evelyn inside.
Zach kissed his grandmother on the way out. “I gotta run. Early band practice.”
“Bye, Zachary.” Evelyn smiled and handed me a bag of baby clothes. “I went shopping for Ella yesterday.”
I set the fancy paper sack on the couch. “I see that.”
She shoved a glass container of still warm food into my free hand. “I remembered you said you were getting the kids off to school this morning. I made you a frittata.”