Page 72 of Absinthe Minded
“Would you say he was acting paranoid?”
Santiago’s voice rang out. “I object. The witness isn’t a trained professional.”
“I withdraw the question.” Maggie sighed. “Mr. Marchionni. Would you characterize our relationship for the court?”
I glanced from her to the judge and grinned. “Miss Guthrie and I are engaged to be married, and I can assure you, we will not miss another electric bill.”
“Where didall of this baby equipment come from? It looks like Babies R Us threw up in here.” Shanna stood with her hands on her hips, surveying the cluttered living room.
“Most of it came from the attic.” I eased Ella into the swing, pressed a few buttons, and gave the contraption a gentle nudge. “She’s cranky today, but this will put her to sleep.”
“I hate to admit it, but she’s flippin’ adorable.” Shanna plopped down on the sofa. “Where’s Prince Charming?”
“Work.” I hovered near Ella until her eyes drooped.
Shanna had called to say she was dropping by an hour after we’d walked out of the courthouse. I still hadn’t processed everything that had happened.
“I know that look. What’s wrong? How did it go today?”
I sat beside her. “Good, I think. They tried to make Gabe out to be some sort of pervert for allowing Chloe and Ryan to sleep in his bed.”
Shanna’s brows disappeared behind her bangs. “Those assholes. He’s their son.”
I waved her off. “He set them straight. Told the judge about the kids missing their parents. Explained away my money trouble by saying we were engaged. I think the case will be dismissed. We won’t know for a week or so.”
My phone rang for the seventh or eighth time in the previous hour. I glanced at the screen and turned it to silent.
“Then why are you moping?”
I shrugged. Had I really expected Gabe to say his father was nuts on the stand? “I’m not. I’m just stressed.”
“Uh huh.” She shook my shoulder. “We don’t have to talk about it now, but I’ll get it out of you sooner or later.”
I thought back to the argument Gabe and I had the night before. “Do you think I’m too controlling?”
“Controlling? You?” Shanna scoffed.
“I’m serious.”
“You’ve always known what you wanted in life.”
I rested my head on the back of the couch and stared at the ceiling. “That sounds like a nice way of telling me I’m a control freak.”
Shanna tossed a pillow at me. “Enough of the melodrama. What’s up?”
I turned my head in her direction. “Gabe told me he dumped me because he didn’t fit into my plan.”
“Bullshit.” She glanced at the baby as if to make sure the infant wouldn’t repeat after her. “He dumped you because he’s ajackass.”
“Maybe.” I’d never really understood why he’d broken things off, which is why I’d assumed he’d met someone else. Now that we’d finally discussed his reasons, Ialmostwould have preferred he cheated. Him being a jerk was easier to swallow than me being neurotic.
“Even if he felt that way, why not talk to you about it instead of ignoring your calls?”
Nothing the man did made much sense. Trying to figure it out worked as well as bubble wrap on a hand grenade. I pushed my wounded feelings and doubts about my relationship with Gabe down deep enough I’d need an excavator to find them. “You didn’t come here to talk about my OCD. What did you want to tell me?”