Page 13 of Highball and Chain
Enzo waited until she disappeared and lowered his voice. “Don’t let her get to you. She doesn’t think any female is good enough for us… Except you, Maggie. She seems to have changed her mind about you.”
“Only because she has to.” Maggie leaned against Gabe.
“We should all hit the pool after dinner.” Marco winked at me.
Not freaking likely with Nico-zilla changing into her bikini.I stood and reached for my plate. “I’m beat. Maybe tomorrow.”
“Leave it, Shanna. I’ll clean up when everyone is finished,” Maggie said.
Marco shot to his feet. “Let me show you to your room.”
“I’ll take her.” Enzo tossed his napkin on his plate and practically vaulted over the table to beat his brother to my side.
“I should go up, too.” Dahlia pushed away from the table.
“Easy boys. I’ll take my friends to their room.” Maggie glanced between the men, pointed two fingers at her eyes, and then pointed at them. “I’m watching you.”
Marco plopped into his chair. “I guess it’s true what they say—men do marry their mothers. Huh, Gabe?”